Gas-Iiquid chromatography of methyl esters of fatty acids in various oil sample was conducted to disclose the use of soybean oi! as an additive to other vegetable oils. The Iinolenic acid was determined through comparison with a standard oil sample. The addition of soybea n oi l was readily detected.
1. ASSOCIATION OF OFFICIAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS - Official meth ode o] analueie o] the Association o] Official Analitical. Chemists. 12nd. ed. Washington, n. C., A. O. A. C., 1975. p. 493-497, 499-500.
2. BADOLATO, E. S. G. & ALMEIDA, M. E. W. _ .. Pesquisa por cromatografia em fase gasosa da adulteração de chocolates. Rev, Inst. Adolfo Lute, 37:47-56, 1977.
3. BAILEY, A. E. - Aceites e grasas industriales. Barcelona, Reverté, 1961. p. 141.
4, JAMIESON, G. R, & REID, E. H. - The analvsis of oils and fa ts by gas-chromatography, J. chromat : 17:230-7, 1965.
5, KIRK, R. E. & OTHMER, D. F., ed. - Encyclopedia. of ch emical t echnoloiju, New York, Interscience, 1951. v. 6, p. 147.
6, O'CONNOR, R, T,; HEINZELMAN, D. C. & DOLLEAR. F. C. - Spectrophotometric estimation of soybean in moistures adrnítted wi th cotton seed and peanut oil. Oil Soa», 22 :257-63, 1945.
2. BADOLATO, E. S. G. & ALMEIDA, M. E. W. _ .. Pesquisa por cromatografia em fase gasosa da adulteração de chocolates. Rev, Inst. Adolfo Lute, 37:47-56, 1977.
3. BAILEY, A. E. - Aceites e grasas industriales. Barcelona, Reverté, 1961. p. 141.
4, JAMIESON, G. R, & REID, E. H. - The analvsis of oils and fa ts by gas-chromatography, J. chromat : 17:230-7, 1965.
5, KIRK, R. E. & OTHMER, D. F., ed. - Encyclopedia. of ch emical t echnoloiju, New York, Interscience, 1951. v. 6, p. 147.
6, O'CONNOR, R, T,; HEINZELMAN, D. C. & DOLLEAR. F. C. - Spectrophotometric estimation of soybean in moistures adrnítted wi th cotton seed and peanut oil. Oil Soa», 22 :257-63, 1945.
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