The occurrence of physical hazards in food is a great challenge for the food industry, and microscopic analysis is probably the most useful instrument to detect and identify them. Considering the scarcity of data on physical hazards in food products in Brazil, the aim of this study was to describe this occurrence in the products analyzed at the Nucleus of Morphology and Microscopy of the Food Center of the Adolf Lutz Institute’s Central Laboratory (IAL) in São Paulo, from 2008 to 2020. Results revealed that of the 7,221 analyzed food samples, 89 (1.2%) did not comply with the legislation due to the presence of physical hazards. According to the food category, the occurrence was higher in beverages (43%), followed by cereals, yeasts, flour and bran (22%). Regarding the type of foreign matter, among the
dangerous particles detected, the most frequently found were plastics (48%) (hard and flexible), followed by metals (15%). The detection and identification of physical hazards by microscopic analysis contributes to the safety and quality of food products offered to the public
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