With the daily growth of the number of consumers worldwide, the food industry is characterized as a branch in continuous growth. As a result, society seeks to obtain nutritional information on the products consumed through the labels. Yogurt, the object of this study, is considered by the consumer society as a food rich in nutrients, which promotes benefits to the body and, therefore, presents itself as advantageous to health. Such an analysis can be carried out through a laboratory test called iodine test, also known as Lugol test. Whithin this context, the present study aims to analyze the veracity of the labeling regarding the presence of starch by testing national yogurts commercialized in the south of Santa Catarina. Thus, the results of this study showed that samples were not in conformity. It was observed that 85.7% had starch declared as a thickener on the label, but the test was positive for 89.3% of yogurts. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to analyze the veracity of the labeling, once routinely, the consumer is harmed when it comes to the information contained in the labels of food products.
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