Aflatoxinas B" M, e M2 foram completamente separadas por cromatografia líquida de alta resolução em coluna de fase reversa (C18), tendo como fase móvel acetonitrila - água (35 + 65%) a um fluxo de 2,0 ml/min. Os compostos foram detectados por absorção no ultravioleta a 350 nm. Os picos e tempo de retenção tiveram boa reprodutibilidade. A recuperação de afia toxina M, foi de 87,5% e a de M2 foi de 102%. Os limites de detecção para aflatoxina M, e M2 foram 0,2 ppb e 0,1 ppb respectivamente.
analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 12nd ed. Washington, D.C., A.C.A.C., 1975. p. 476. [itens 26083-26087]
2. BEEBE, R.M. & TAKAHASHI, D.M. - Determination of aflatoxin M, by high pressure liquid chromatography using fluorescence detection. J. agric. Food
Chem., 28 :481-2, 1980.
3, BROWN, N.L.; NESHEIM, S.; STACK, M.E. & WARE, G.M. - Mcthod for the
determination of aflatoxin in animal tissue. J. Assoc. off, anal; Chem.; 56:
1437-9, 1973.
4. FUKAYAMA, M.; WINTERLIN, W. & HSIEH, D.P.H. - Rapid method for analysis of aflatoxin M, in dairy produts. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem; 63 :927-30, 1980.
5, GREGORY, J.F. & MANLEY, D. - High performance liquíd chromatographic deter-
mination of aflatoxins in animal tissues and products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Ch.em.,
64: 144-:: 1, 1981.
6, HUNT, D.C.; BOURDON, A.T.; WILD, P.J. & CROSBY, N.T. - Use of high performance Iiquid chromatog raph'y combined wí th fluorescence detection for the iden tification and estimation of aflatoxins and ochratoxin in food. J. Sei, Food Agric., 29: 234-8, 1978.
7, KIERMEIER, F. - Aflatoxin residues in fluid milk. Pure appl. Chem., 35 :271-3, 1973.
8. MAS RI, M.S. - Estimation partition and column chromatographic separation of aflatoxin B, and M,. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 47:61-4, 1970.
9. MITCHELL, D.J.; SOMERS, E.; CAMPBELL, A.D. & SALWIN, H. - Report of Subcommittee Con Recommendations for Official Methods. J. Assoc. off. anal.
Chem., 57:431, 1974.
10, PANALAKS, T. & SCOTT, P.M. - Sensitive silica gel-packed flowcell for fluorometric detection of afia toxins by high pressure liquid chromatography. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 60: 583-9, 1977.
11, PATTERSON D.S.P.; GLANCY, E.M. & ROBERTS, B.A. - The estimation of aflatoxin M, in milk using a two-dimensional thin-layer chromatographic method suitable for survey work. Food Cosmet. Toxieol., 16 :49-50, 1978.
12, PONS, W.A., Jr. - High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of aflatoxins in corno J. Assoe. off. anal, Chem., 62:586-94, 1979.
13. PONS, W.A., Jr.; CUCULLU, A.F. & LEE, L.S. - Method for the determination of aflatoxin M, in fluid milk and milk products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 56:
1431-6, 1973.
14, PONS, W.A., Jr. & FRANZ, A.O., Jr. - High performance liquid chromatography of aflatoxins in cottonseed products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 60:89-95, 1977.
15. PURCHASE, LF.H. & STEYN, M. - Estimation of aflatoxin M, in milk. J. Assoc.
off. anal. Chem" 50 :363-6, 1967.
16, ROBERTS, B.A. & ALLCROFT, R. - A note on the semi-quantitative estimation of afia toxin. M, i n liquid milk by thin -layer chromatography, Food Cosmet. Toxicol., 6: 339, 1968.
17. SEIBER, J.N. & HS1EH, D.P.H. - Application. of high-speed liquid chromato-
graphy to the analysis of aflatoxins. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 56:827-30, 1973.
18, SCHULLER, P.L.; VERHULSDONK, C.A.H. & PAULSCH, W.E. - Analysis of aflatoxin M, in liquid and powdered milk, Pure appl. Chem., 35:291-6, 1973.
19, STUBBLEF1ELD, R.D. - The rapid determination of aflatoxin M, in dairy products. J. Amer. Gil Chem., Soc., 56:800-2, 1979.
20. STUBBLEF1ELD, R.D. & SHANNON, G.M. - Collaborative study of methods for the determination and chemical confirmation of aflatoxin M, in dairy products, J.
Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 57:852-7, 1974.
21. STUBBLEFIELD, R.D. & SHOTWELL, O.L. - Reverse phase analytical and p reparative h igh pressure Iiquid chromatography of aflatoxins. J. Assoe. off. anal, Chem., 60:784-790, 1977.
22. TAKAHASHI, D.M. & BEEBE, R.M. - Reversed phase h igh performance Iiquid
chromatographic procedure for determiníng aflatoxins in foods and beverag'es using fluorescence detection. In : SYM-POSIUM ON THE ANALYS1S OF FOODS AND BEVERAGES BY HIGH-PRESSURE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY, Honolulu, 1979. Liquid ehromatographie analysis of food and beverap ee, Proceedings, edited by G. Charalambous, New York, Academic press, 1979. v. 1, p. 101.
23, TRUCKSESS, M.W. - Derivative procedure for identification of aflatoxin M, on a thin layer chromatogram. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 59: 722-3, 1976.
24, TRUCKSESS, M.W. & STOLOFF, L. - Extraction, cleanup, and quantitative determination of aflatoxins B, and M, in beef liver. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 62: 1080-2, 1979.
25. TUINSTRA, L.G.M. & BRONSQUEEST, M. - Determination of aflatoxin M, in milk
at the parts per trillion lcvel. J. chrtrmatop r., 111 :448-451, 1975.
26, VAN EGMOND, H.P.; PAULSCH, W.E. & SCHULLER, P.L. - Confirmatory test
for aflatoxin M, on. a thin layer pla te, J. Assoc. off, anal, Chem., 61 :809-12,
27. WINTERLIN, W.; HALL, G. & HSIEH, D.P.H. On-column chromatographic
extraction of aflatoxin M, from milk and determination by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Anal. Chem., 51: 1873-4, 1979.
28. ZIMMERLI, B. - Verbesserung der Nachweisgrenzo von Aflatoxinen in der Hoch-druck-Flussigkeits-chromatographie durch Verwendung eines kielselfüllten fluorei-zenzdetektors. J. chromatoçr., 131 :458-63, 1977.
analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 12nd ed. Washington, D.C., A.C.A.C., 1975. p. 476. [itens 26083-26087]
2. BEEBE, R.M. & TAKAHASHI, D.M. - Determination of aflatoxin M, by high pressure liquid chromatography using fluorescence detection. J. agric. Food
Chem., 28 :481-2, 1980.
3, BROWN, N.L.; NESHEIM, S.; STACK, M.E. & WARE, G.M. - Mcthod for the
determination of aflatoxin in animal tissue. J. Assoc. off, anal; Chem.; 56:
1437-9, 1973.
4. FUKAYAMA, M.; WINTERLIN, W. & HSIEH, D.P.H. - Rapid method for analysis of aflatoxin M, in dairy produts. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem; 63 :927-30, 1980.
5, GREGORY, J.F. & MANLEY, D. - High performance liquíd chromatographic deter-
mination of aflatoxins in animal tissues and products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Ch.em.,
64: 144-:: 1, 1981.
6, HUNT, D.C.; BOURDON, A.T.; WILD, P.J. & CROSBY, N.T. - Use of high performance Iiquid chromatog raph'y combined wí th fluorescence detection for the iden tification and estimation of aflatoxins and ochratoxin in food. J. Sei, Food Agric., 29: 234-8, 1978.
7, KIERMEIER, F. - Aflatoxin residues in fluid milk. Pure appl. Chem., 35 :271-3, 1973.
8. MAS RI, M.S. - Estimation partition and column chromatographic separation of aflatoxin B, and M,. J. Amer. Oil Chem. Soc., 47:61-4, 1970.
9. MITCHELL, D.J.; SOMERS, E.; CAMPBELL, A.D. & SALWIN, H. - Report of Subcommittee Con Recommendations for Official Methods. J. Assoc. off. anal.
Chem., 57:431, 1974.
10, PANALAKS, T. & SCOTT, P.M. - Sensitive silica gel-packed flowcell for fluorometric detection of afia toxins by high pressure liquid chromatography. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 60: 583-9, 1977.
11, PATTERSON D.S.P.; GLANCY, E.M. & ROBERTS, B.A. - The estimation of aflatoxin M, in milk using a two-dimensional thin-layer chromatographic method suitable for survey work. Food Cosmet. Toxieol., 16 :49-50, 1978.
12, PONS, W.A., Jr. - High pressure liquid chromatographic determination of aflatoxins in corno J. Assoe. off. anal, Chem., 62:586-94, 1979.
13. PONS, W.A., Jr.; CUCULLU, A.F. & LEE, L.S. - Method for the determination of aflatoxin M, in fluid milk and milk products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 56:
1431-6, 1973.
14, PONS, W.A., Jr. & FRANZ, A.O., Jr. - High performance liquid chromatography of aflatoxins in cottonseed products. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 60:89-95, 1977.
15. PURCHASE, LF.H. & STEYN, M. - Estimation of aflatoxin M, in milk. J. Assoc.
off. anal. Chem" 50 :363-6, 1967.
16, ROBERTS, B.A. & ALLCROFT, R. - A note on the semi-quantitative estimation of afia toxin. M, i n liquid milk by thin -layer chromatography, Food Cosmet. Toxicol., 6: 339, 1968.
17. SEIBER, J.N. & HS1EH, D.P.H. - Application. of high-speed liquid chromato-
graphy to the analysis of aflatoxins. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 56:827-30, 1973.
18, SCHULLER, P.L.; VERHULSDONK, C.A.H. & PAULSCH, W.E. - Analysis of aflatoxin M, in liquid and powdered milk, Pure appl. Chem., 35:291-6, 1973.
19, STUBBLEF1ELD, R.D. - The rapid determination of aflatoxin M, in dairy products. J. Amer. Gil Chem., Soc., 56:800-2, 1979.
20. STUBBLEF1ELD, R.D. & SHANNON, G.M. - Collaborative study of methods for the determination and chemical confirmation of aflatoxin M, in dairy products, J.
Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 57:852-7, 1974.
21. STUBBLEFIELD, R.D. & SHOTWELL, O.L. - Reverse phase analytical and p reparative h igh pressure Iiquid chromatography of aflatoxins. J. Assoe. off. anal, Chem., 60:784-790, 1977.
22. TAKAHASHI, D.M. & BEEBE, R.M. - Reversed phase h igh performance Iiquid
chromatographic procedure for determiníng aflatoxins in foods and beverag'es using fluorescence detection. In : SYM-POSIUM ON THE ANALYS1S OF FOODS AND BEVERAGES BY HIGH-PRESSURE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY, Honolulu, 1979. Liquid ehromatographie analysis of food and beverap ee, Proceedings, edited by G. Charalambous, New York, Academic press, 1979. v. 1, p. 101.
23, TRUCKSESS, M.W. - Derivative procedure for identification of aflatoxin M, on a thin layer chromatogram. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 59: 722-3, 1976.
24, TRUCKSESS, M.W. & STOLOFF, L. - Extraction, cleanup, and quantitative determination of aflatoxins B, and M, in beef liver. J. Assoc. off. anal. Chem., 62: 1080-2, 1979.
25. TUINSTRA, L.G.M. & BRONSQUEEST, M. - Determination of aflatoxin M, in milk
at the parts per trillion lcvel. J. chrtrmatop r., 111 :448-451, 1975.
26, VAN EGMOND, H.P.; PAULSCH, W.E. & SCHULLER, P.L. - Confirmatory test
for aflatoxin M, on. a thin layer pla te, J. Assoc. off, anal, Chem., 61 :809-12,
27. WINTERLIN, W.; HALL, G. & HSIEH, D.P.H. On-column chromatographic
extraction of aflatoxin M, from milk and determination by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography. Anal. Chem., 51: 1873-4, 1979.
28. ZIMMERLI, B. - Verbesserung der Nachweisgrenzo von Aflatoxinen in der Hoch-druck-Flussigkeits-chromatographie durch Verwendung eines kielselfüllten fluorei-zenzdetektors. J. chromatoçr., 131 :458-63, 1977.

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