A reflection on the contributions to the Project Breast feeding and Municipalities (AMAMUNIC) for the management and health practices in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS)
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Epidemiologic Inquiries

How to Cite

Venancio, S. I. (2012). A reflection on the contributions to the Project Breast feeding and Municipalities (AMAMUNIC) for the management and health practices in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS). Boletim Do Instituto De Saúde - BIS, 13(3), 239–244. Retrieved from https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/bis/article/view/33707


The promotion of breastfeeding (aleitamento materno - AM), of the healthy complementary feeding, and, in special, the exclusive breastfeeding are interventions in public health with great potential to reduce the infant mortality rate, and should be considered by managers and professionals in health. In compliance with the movement for the municipalization of the health care services of the Brazilian Public Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS), in 1990, the Project Breast Feeding and Municipalities (Projeto Amamentação e Municípios - AMAMUNIC) was conceived to make available to local managers of the state of São Paulo a tool for diagnosing and monitoring the breastfeeding situation.
Since 1998, the Health Institute (Instituto de Saúde - IS) provides training aimed to local teams to perform inquires about infant feeding practices during the vaccination campaigns. In a period of ten years (1998-2008), 345 municipalities conducted the research, involving 53% of the 645 cities of the State of São Paulo. Among the cities that took part in the research, 175 adopted the strategy of monitoring the breastfeeding rates, carrying out the research two or more times during the period analyzed. This article presents a report of an experience, which has the aim to describe the context of the formulation and the development of the Project in its 14 years of implementation, to analyze the advances in the knowledge about epidemiologic profile, trends, determinants of breastfeeding and to reflect on the possible contributions of the Project regarding the incorporation of the findings to the planning and evaluation of actions of maternal breastfeeding in the municipalities.

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