Procedeu-se a uma revisão bibliográfica extensiva sobre a talidomida, em seus aspectos farmacológicos, metabólicos, teratogenicidade e especialmente quanto às suas aplicações terapêuticas em Dermatologia, destacando-se o uso na reação hansênica.
BACH, A. et al. Studies on the possible antineoplastic effect of thalidomide. Acta Path. Microbiol. Scand., 59:491-499, 1963.
BORE, P.J. et al. Effects of thalidomide on survival of skin homographs in rabbits. Lancet, 1:1240-1241, 1966.
BURLEY, D.M. Is thalidomide to blame? Brit. Med. J., 1:130, 1961.
CALVO, R. & MUCKTER, H. Sur le mécanisme d'action de la thalidomide et autres imides cycliques dans la réaction lépreuse. Acta Leprol. (48/49) :27-29, 1972.
CERRUTI, M.P.;BORRONE,C.; TAMBUSSI, A.M. Ricerche sperimentali sull'effetto dell'imide dell'accido Nftalil-glutammico (Talidomide) sulla sintesi degli anticorpi. Risposta all'iniezione di albumina umana. Minerva Pediatr., /5:13921394, 1963.
DUKOR, P. et al. Immunosuppression by thalidomide. Lancet, 1:569-570, 1967.
FABRO, S. et al. The metabolism of thalidomide: some biological effects of thalidomide and its metabolites. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 25:352-362, 1965.
FAIGLE, J.W. The metabolic fate of thalidomide. Experentia, 18(9) :389-397, 1962.
FIELD, E.O. et al. Effect of thalidomide on the graft vs host reaction. Nature, 211: 1308-1310, 1969.
GOIHMAN-YAHR, M. et al. Significance of neutrophil activation in reactional lepromatous leprosy: effects of thalidomide in vivo and in vitro. Activation in adjuvant disease. Int. Arch. Allerg. Appl. Immunol., 57(4):317-332, 1978.
GUSDON Jr., J.P. et al. Effect of thalidomide on the antibody response. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec., 100:952-956, 1968.
HANAUSKE-ABEL, H. & GUNZLER, V. Inhibition of human prolyl hydroxylase as common biochemical denominator of the non-sedative effects of thalidomide in man. Int. J. Lepr., 46:449, 1978.
HASTINGS, R.C. Mechanism of halidomide action in HD. Star, 94 (2) :1,15, 1974.
HELLMANN, K.; DUKE, D.I.; TUCKER, D.F. Prolongation of skin homograft survival by thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2 (5463) :687-689, 1965.
KUNS, W.K. & MUCKTER, H. N-Phthalylglutaminsaüreimid. Arzneimittelforsch, 6: 426-430, 1956.
LOCKER, D.; SUPERSTINE, E.; SULMAN, F.G. The mechanism of the push and pull principle. 8. Endocrine effects of thalidomide and its analogues. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Therm., 194:39-55, 1971.
OGILVIE, J.W. et a1. The effect of thalidomide on the immune response. Fed. Proc., 27:494, 1968.
OLIVEIRA e SILVA, C. et al. Influência da talidomida sobre os linfócitos circulantes na hanseníase virchowiana.
Bol. Div. Nac. Lepra, 29:77-84, 1973.
SCHUMACHER, H.; SMITH, R.L.; WILLIAMS, R.T. The metabolism of thalidomide: the fat of thalidomide and some of its hydrolysis products in various species. Brit. J. Pharmecol., 25:338-351, 1965.
SCHUMACHER, H.; SMITH, R.L.; WILLIAMS, R.T. The metabolism of thalidomide: the spontaneous hydrolysis of thalidomide in solution. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 25:324-337, 1965.
SHÉSKIN, J. Influencia de la talidomida, esteroides, analgésicos y placebos sobrela velocidad de la conducción motors en la neurites cubital reaccional. Med. Cut., 4(5) :459-464, 1970.
SOMERS, G.F. Pharmacological properties of thalidomide (alfaphthalamide glutarimide) a new sedative hipnotic drug. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 15:111-116, 1960.
SOUZA, L.P. Thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2 (5152) :635, 1959.
THOMAS, E.M. et al. Efeito da talidomida sobre os linfócitos e imunoglobulinas G.A e M no sanguesirculante de pessoas normais. Bol. Div. Nac. Dermat. Sanit., 34 (1/4) :73-79, 1975.
TURK, J.L. et al. Effect of thalidomide on the immunological response in local lymph nodes after a skin homograft. Lancet, 1: 1134, 1966.
ULRICH, M.; SALAS, B.; CONVIT, J. Thalidomide activity in experimental arthus and anaphylactic reactions. Int. J.
Lepr., 89(2):131-135, 1971.
WINTER, C.A. Nonsteroid antiinflammatory agents. Ann. Rev. Pharmacol., 6:157-174, 1966.
WOODYATT, P.B. Thalidomide. Lancet, 1: 750, 1962.
3. Efeitos colaterais. Teratogenicidade
BARTHOLOMEW, A.A. Neuropathy after thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2(5266) : 15701571, 1961.
BOHM, R. & NITSCH, K. Another chance for thalidomide? Lancet, 1:92, 1966.
BURLEY, D.M. Overdosage with thalidomide. Med. World, 98(1).:26-28, 1960.
CHEVENS, L.C.F. Neuropathy after thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2(5258) :1025, 1961.
CHEYMOL, J. Le drame du thalidomide. Rev. Ass. Med. Bras., 11(4) :123-134, 1965.
FIELD, K.W.G.H. Neuropathy after thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2:1084, 1961.
FURLLETON, P.M. et al. Neuropathy after intake of thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2: 855-858, 1961.
GOIHMAN-YAHR, M. et aI. Autoimmune diseases and thalidomide. I. Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
and experimental allergic neuritis of the Guinea Pig. Int. J. Lepr., 40(2) :133-141, 1972.
KELSEY, F.O. Events after thalidomide. J. Dent. Res., 46:1201-1205, 1967.KERBELE, H. et al. Biochemical effects of
drugs on the anormalian concepts. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sei., 123:252-262, 1965.
LENZ, W. Thalidomide and congenital abnormalities. Lancet, 1 :272, 1962.
LENZ, W. Thalidomide and congenital anomalies. Lancet, 1:45, 1962.
McCREDIE, J. & McLEOD, J.G. Thalidomide and embryonic neuropathy. Lancet, 1 (7866) :1111, 1974.
MAGORA, A. et al. Controlled follow-up assessment of the effect of thalidomide upon the ulnar nerve in leprosy. Int. J. Lepr., 89(4) :863-871, 1971.
MELLIN, G.W. & KATZENSTEIN, M. The saga of thalidomide: neuropathy to embryopathy with case reports of
congenital anomalies. N. Engl. J. Med., 267(23): 1184-1193, 1962.
MELLIN, G.W. & KATZENSTEIN, M. The saga of thalidomide: neuropathy to embryopathy with case reports of
congenital anomalies (Concluded) N. Engl. J. Med., 267(24) :1238-1244, 1962.
MENGONI, H.R. et al. Talidomida: droga teratogenica y su indicación en la reacción leprosa: esquema terapêutico. Leprologia, 14(2):194-206, 1969.
MURAD, J.A. Moléculas teratogênicas. Hospital, 72:299, 1967.
ROATH, S.; ELVES, M.W.; ISRAELS, M.C.G. Effects of thalidomida and its derivatives on human leucocytes
cultured in vitro. Lancet, 1(7275) :249-250, 1963.
SABIN, T.D. Thalidomide neuropathy and leprous neuritis. Lancet, 1(7849) :165-166, 1974.
SAGHER, F. & SHESKIN, J. Réaction lépreuse et thalidomide. Etudes imunologiques. Acts Leprol. (48/49):11-26, 1972.
SHANNON, E.J.; MIRANDA, R.O.; HASTINGS, R.C. Inhibition of the novo antibody synthesis by thalidomide. Int. J.
Lepr., 46(1) :120, 1978.
SHESKIN, J. & SAGHER, F. Erupción tipo dermatitis herpetiforme en enfermos del mal de Hansen tratados con talidomida. Rev. Leprol. Fontilles, 7:229, 1968.
TAUSSIG, H.B. A study of the German outbreak of phocomelia. The thalidomide syndrome. JAMA, 180:1106, 1962.
WEMAMBU, S.N.C. et al. Erythema nodosum leprosum: a clinical manifestation of the Arthus phenomenon. Lancet, 2:933935, 1969.WOOLLAM, D.H.M. Principles of teratogenesis: mode of action of thalidomide. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., 68(7) :497-501, 1965.
4. Emprego na reação hansênica
ACEVES ORTEGA, R. Algunos hechos recientes en terapéutica dermatologica. Reacción leprosa y talidomida. Otros usos de Ias sulfonas. Medicina, 61(1119) :530537, 1971.
AITKEN, G. La thalidomide dans les états de réaction lépreux. Paris, 1968. / These/ 135p.
ALMEIDA, R. Considerações sobre o uso da talidomida na reação leprótica. Rovisco Pais: rev. port. doença Hansen, 11(4) : 365-369, 1972.
ARGUELLO PITT, L. et al. Acción de la talidomida en la reacción leprosa. Leprologia, 18(1):18-26, 1973.
BALISA, L.M. et al. La talidomida en los episódios reaccionales de la lepra. Leprologia, 14(2) :189-193, 1969.
BARBOSA, A. & ALMEIDA, B. A talidomida no tratamento da lepro-reação. Rovisco Pais: rev. port. doença Hansen, 8(28): 23-33, 1969.
BELDA, W. A talidomida no controle da dor nas neurites lepróticas. Hospital, 70(3): 231-237, 1966.
CAZORT, R.T. et ah A trial of thalidomide in progressive lepra reaction. Curr. Ther. Res., 8:299-311, 1966.
CONVIT, J.; SOTO, J.M.; SHESKIN, J. Thalidomide therapy in the lepra reaction. Int. J. Lepr., 35(4) :446-451, 1967.
CRAWFORD, C.L. Thalidomide in erythema nodosum leprosum. Lancet, 2(7839):12011202, 1973.
DEGOS, R. et al. Action rapidement résolutive de la thalidomide sur les poussées de la lèpre. Bull. Soc. Franc. Dermat. Syphil., 78(5) :474-478, 1966.
DUPERRAT, B. et al. Hansen L: action de la thalidomide sur une poussée gravissime. Bull. Soc. Franc. Dermat. Syphil., 78(3) : 291-292, 1971.
EMPLEO de la talidomida en la reacción leprosa. Salud Publ. Mex., 18 (4) :777-779, 1976.
GAY PRIETO, J. Tratamiento de Ias reacciones leprosas con talidomida. Med. Cut., 2:117, 1967.
DERMATOLOGIA, 5, México, 1969. Memórias. México, 1970. p. 471-475.
HASTINGS, R.C. et al. Thalidomide in treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum. Clin. Pharm. Ther., 11(4) :481-487, 1970.
ISLA CARANDE, E. Lepra y talidomida. Actas Dermosifiliogr., 99(3/4) :139-200, 1968.
IYER, C.G.S. et al. WHO co-ordinated shortterm double-blind trial with thalidomide in the treatment of acute
lepra reactions in male lepromatous patients. Bull. WHO, 46(6):719-732, 1971.
KHRIKOU, N.A. Results of treatment of leprosy patients with thalidomide. Sci. Works Lepr. Res. Inst., 9/14:88-90,
KLUKEN, N. & WENTE, W. Indications for thalidomide therapy for leprosy. Int. J. Dermatol., 13 (1) :20-25, 1974.
LANGUILLON, J. Action de deux nouveaux produits: la thalidomide et le B.663 sur les formes réactionnelles de la maladie de Hansen. C.R. Inst. Marchoux, 10(2): 34-41, 1969.
LANGUILLON, J. Action de la thalidomide sur la réaction lépreuse. Acts Leprol., (40/41) :51-55, 1970.
LANGUILLON, J. The effects of thalidomide on leprosy reaction. Int. J. Lepr., 39 (2): 590-592, 1971.
LA ROSA, P. & CASCIANO, A. Reazioni lebbrose e talidomide. Minerva Dermat., 48(4) :166-168, 1968.
LATAPI, F.; SAÚL, A.; GÓMEZ-VIDAL, M. Talidomida en el tratamiento de la reacción leprosa: tres anos de experiencia en México. Gac. Med. Mere., 99(10) :917-930, 1969.
LAVALLE, P. Comentário oficial /Talidomida en el tratamiento de la reacción leprosa/Gac. Med. Mex., 99(10):930-
931, 1969.
LEVY, L. et al. Treatment of erythema nodosum leprosum with thalidomide. Lancet, 2 (7824) :324-325, 1973.
LOVIO CARDE13AS, Z. et al. Empleo de la talidomida en la reacción leprosa. Estudio en la provincia de la Habana. Bol. Hig. Epid., 12(2) :141-146, 1974.
MAGORA, A.; SHESKIN, J.; SAGHER, F. Motor conduction velocity test of the ulnar nerve in leprosy reaction underthalidomide therapy. In: INTERNATIONAL LEPROSY CONGRESS, 9, London, 1968. Transactions. Int. J. Lepr., 86(4) : 624, 1968.
MARQUES, B. & OPROMOLLA, D.V.A. Thalidomide in treatment of lepra reaction. In: INTERNATIONAL LEPROSY CONGRESS, 9, London, 1968. Transactions. Int. J. Lepr., 86(4) :637, 1968.
MATTOS, O. & ALONSO, A.M. Treatment of leprosy reaction with thalidomide. In: INTERNATIONAL LEPROSY CONGRESS, 9, London, 1968. Transactions. Int. J. Lepr., 86(4):642-643, 1968.
MELAMED, J. Acción de la talidomida en el tratamiento de la reacción leprosa. Rev. Argent. Derm., 58(7): — , 1969.
MERKLEN, F.P. et al. Deuce eas d'ineficacité antireactionelle de la thalidomide dans la lèpre. Bull. Soc. Franç. Derm. Syphiligr., 75:638, 1968.
MOHR, W. Thalidomide in leprosy therapy. Int. J. Lepr., 39(2):598-599, 1971.
NETTO, L.S. Talidomida nas reações lepróticas. Rev. Bras. Med., 24 (9) :760-763, 1967.
OCAMPO, J.C.; GATTI, J.C.; CARDAMA, J.E. Tratamiento de la lepra en reacción. Rev. Leprol. Fontilles, 10(3):269-280, 1975.
OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; LIMA, L.S.; MARQUES, M.B. A talidomida nos surtos agudos de lepra: eritema nodoso ou polimorfo. Hospital, 69(4) :191-208, 1966.
OSSWALD, W. Reacção leprosa e talidomida. Rovisco Pais: rev. port. doença Hansen, 7(24) :34-36, 1968.
PEARSON, J.M.H. & VEDAGIRI, M. Treatment of moderately senere erythema nodosum leprosum with thalidomide — A double blind controlled trial. Lepr. Rev., 40(2) :111-116, 1969.
PETTIT, J.H.S. & WATERS, M.F.R. The etiology of erythema nodosum leprosum. Int. J. Lepr., 35 (1) :1-10, 1967.
RODRIGUEZ, E.; RAMIREZ, J.; YAMBAY, J. Talidomida en reacción leprosa. Dermatologia: rev. mex.,13 (2) :147-151, 1969.
SAMPAIO, S.A.P. & PROENÇA, N. Tratamento da reação leprótica pela talidomida. Rev. Paul. Med., 68:301, 1966.
SAY)L, A. Reacción leprosa y talidomida: resultados del tratamiento de 30 casos. Prensa Med. Mex., 34(11/12) :403-409, 1969.
SAÚL, A. Talidomida en el tratamiento dela reacción leprosa. Primeras observaciones en México. Medicina: rev.
mex., 47: 348-353, 1965.
SAIYL, A. Talidomidodependencia y talidomidorresistencia. Leprologia, 19(2):253-260, 1974.
SHESKIN, J. Fifty month's use of thalidomide in leprosy reaction. Star, 28(6) :3, 1969.
SHESKIN, J. Further observation with thalidomide in lepra reaction. Lepr. Rev., 86(4):183-185, 1965.
SHESKIN, J. Incorporación de la talidomida al arsenal terapéutico del mal de Hansen. Actas Dermosifiliogr., 60 (3/4) :57-72, 1969.
SHESKIN, J. Influencia de la talidomida en la reacción leprosa. Derm. Venez., 4 (3/4) :210-221, 1964/1965.
SHESKIN, J. Recent experience with thalidomide in Hansen's disease. Int. J. Dermat., 9 (1) :56-58, 1970.
SHESKIN, J. Study with nine thalidomide derivatives in lepra reaction. Int. J. Dermat., 17:82-84, 1978.
SHESKIN, J. Thalidomide in lepra reaction. Int. J. Dermat., 14(8) :575-576, 1976.
SHESKIN, J. Thalidomide in the treatment of lepra reactions. Clin. Pharmacol. Ther., 6(3) :303-306, 1965.
SHESKIN, J. The treatment of lepra reaction in lepromatous leprosy. Fifteen years experience with thalidomide. Int. J. Der- mat., 19(6) :318-322, 1980.
SHESKIN, J. & CONVIT, J. Results of a double-blind study of the influence of thalidomide on the lepra reaction. Int. J. Lepr., 87(2) :135-146, 1969.
SHESKIN, J. & CONVIT, J. Therapy of the lepra reaction with thalidomide. A double-blind study. Hautarzt, 17:548-549, 1965.
SHESKIN, J. & SAGHER, F. Encuesta mundial sobre el use de la talidomida en la leprorreacción. Med. Cut. Iber. Lat. Amer., 8 (1) :81-83, 1975.
SHESKIN, J. & SAGHER, F. Five year's experience with thalidomide treatment in leprosy reaction. Int. J. Lepr., 89 (2) : 585-588, 1971.
SHESKIN, J. & SAGHER, F. The present status of thalidomide treatment in lepra reaction on leprosy. In: INTERNATIONAL LEPROSY CONGRESS, 9, London,1968. Transactions. Int. J. Lepr., 86(4) : 637, 1968.
SHESKIN, J. & SAGHER, F. Trials with thalidomide derivatives in leprosy reactions. Lepr. Rev., 89(4) :203-206, 1968.
SHESKIN, J. & ZAUBERMAN, H. Iridocyclitis in lepra reaction treated with thalidomide. Lepr. Rev., 41(4) :233-236,
SHESKIN, J. et al. Unsatisfactory results with thalidomide as a specific treatment for leprosy. J. Med. Sci., 4:901-907, 1968.
SWIFT, T.R. Thalidomide in erythema nodosum leprosum. Lancet, 2(7835) :966, 1973.
TARABINI-CASTELLANI, G. Tratamiento de las leprorreacciones con talidomida. Rev. Leprol. Fontilles, 6(8) :719-723, 1967.
TERENCIO DE LAS AGUAS, J. Seis anos de experiencia con talidomida. Rev. Leprol. Fontilles, 8(5) :587-598, 1972.
TERENCIO DE LAS AGUAS, J. Thalidomide in the treatment of lepra reactions. Int. J. Lepr., 39 (2) :593-597, 1971.
TERENCIO DE LAS AGUAS, J. & CONTRERAS DUES AS, F. Primeros resultados del tratamiento de las leprorreacciones con talidomida. Rev. Leprol. Fontilles,
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TERENCIO DE LAS AGUAS, J. & CONTRERAS DUERAS, F. Tratamiento de las leprorreacciones con talidomida.
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TERENCIO DE LAS AGUAS, J. & ROSTOLL, F. Thalidomide in treatment of leprous reactions. In: INTERNATIONAL LEPROSY CONGRESS, 9, London, 1968. Transactions. Int. J. Lepr., 86(4): 644, 1968.
TRIMIGLIOZZI, G. La thalidomide nelle "reazioni" lebbrose. Gior. Ital. Dermat., 107:1353-1365, 1966.
TRIMIGLIOZZI, G. Ulteriori osservazioni sull'imprego della thalidomide nelle "reazioni" lebbrose. Gior. Ital. Dermat., 108: 223-228, 1967.VARGAS, S. Tratamiento actual de la reacción leprosa por talidomida. Dermatologia: rev. mex., 15(3) :142-154, 1971.
WATERS, M.F.R. An internally-controlled double blind trial of thalidomide in severe erythema nodosum leprosum. Lepr. Rev., 42(1):26-42, 1971.
WATERS, M.F.R. Treatment of reactions in leprosy. Lepr. Rev., 46(4) :337-341, 1974.
5. Emprego em outras dermatoses
BARBA RUBIO, J. & FRANCO MARTINEZ, F. Lupus eritematoso fijo: su tratamiento con talidomida. Med. Cut. Iber. Lat. Amer., 5(4) :279-285, 1977.
CALNAN, C.D. & MEARA, R.H. Actinic prurigo (Hutchinson's summer prurigo) Clin. Exp. Dorm., 2:365-372, 1977.
ERAVELLY, J. & WATERS, M.F. Thalidomide in Weber-Christian disease. Lancet, 1(8005):251, 1977.
LONDOSO, F. Thalidomide in the treatment of actinic prurigo. Int. J. Dermat., 12 (5) :326-328, 1973.
MASCARO, J.M.; LECHA, M.; TORRAS, H. Thalidomide in the treatment of recurrent, necrotic and giant
mucocutaneous aphthal and aphtosis. Arch. Dermatol., 115(5): 636-637, 1979.
MATTOS, O. Prurigo nodular de Hyde tratado com talidomida. Bol. Div. Nac. Lepra, 32(1):71-77, 1973.
SANSOEN, M. et al. Thalidomide in the treatment of discoid lupus erythematous (D.L.E.) Ann. Dermatol.
Venereol., 107 (6) :515-523, 1980.
SAUL, A.; FLORES, O.; NOVALES, J. Polymorphus light eruption: treatment with thalidomide. Aust. J. Derm., 17(1) :17-21, 1976.
SHESKIN, J. Zur Therapie des Prurigo nodulaires Hyde mit Thalidomid. Hautartz, 26:215-217, 1975.
BORE, P.J. et al. Effects of thalidomide on survival of skin homographs in rabbits. Lancet, 1:1240-1241, 1966.
BURLEY, D.M. Is thalidomide to blame? Brit. Med. J., 1:130, 1961.
CALVO, R. & MUCKTER, H. Sur le mécanisme d'action de la thalidomide et autres imides cycliques dans la réaction lépreuse. Acta Leprol. (48/49) :27-29, 1972.
CERRUTI, M.P.;BORRONE,C.; TAMBUSSI, A.M. Ricerche sperimentali sull'effetto dell'imide dell'accido Nftalil-glutammico (Talidomide) sulla sintesi degli anticorpi. Risposta all'iniezione di albumina umana. Minerva Pediatr., /5:13921394, 1963.
DUKOR, P. et al. Immunosuppression by thalidomide. Lancet, 1:569-570, 1967.
FABRO, S. et al. The metabolism of thalidomide: some biological effects of thalidomide and its metabolites. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 25:352-362, 1965.
FAIGLE, J.W. The metabolic fate of thalidomide. Experentia, 18(9) :389-397, 1962.
FIELD, E.O. et al. Effect of thalidomide on the graft vs host reaction. Nature, 211: 1308-1310, 1969.
GOIHMAN-YAHR, M. et al. Significance of neutrophil activation in reactional lepromatous leprosy: effects of thalidomide in vivo and in vitro. Activation in adjuvant disease. Int. Arch. Allerg. Appl. Immunol., 57(4):317-332, 1978.
GUSDON Jr., J.P. et al. Effect of thalidomide on the antibody response. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynec., 100:952-956, 1968.
HANAUSKE-ABEL, H. & GUNZLER, V. Inhibition of human prolyl hydroxylase as common biochemical denominator of the non-sedative effects of thalidomide in man. Int. J. Lepr., 46:449, 1978.
HASTINGS, R.C. Mechanism of halidomide action in HD. Star, 94 (2) :1,15, 1974.
HELLMANN, K.; DUKE, D.I.; TUCKER, D.F. Prolongation of skin homograft survival by thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2 (5463) :687-689, 1965.
KUNS, W.K. & MUCKTER, H. N-Phthalylglutaminsaüreimid. Arzneimittelforsch, 6: 426-430, 1956.
LOCKER, D.; SUPERSTINE, E.; SULMAN, F.G. The mechanism of the push and pull principle. 8. Endocrine effects of thalidomide and its analogues. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Therm., 194:39-55, 1971.
OGILVIE, J.W. et a1. The effect of thalidomide on the immune response. Fed. Proc., 27:494, 1968.
OLIVEIRA e SILVA, C. et al. Influência da talidomida sobre os linfócitos circulantes na hanseníase virchowiana.
Bol. Div. Nac. Lepra, 29:77-84, 1973.
SCHUMACHER, H.; SMITH, R.L.; WILLIAMS, R.T. The metabolism of thalidomide: the fat of thalidomide and some of its hydrolysis products in various species. Brit. J. Pharmecol., 25:338-351, 1965.
SCHUMACHER, H.; SMITH, R.L.; WILLIAMS, R.T. The metabolism of thalidomide: the spontaneous hydrolysis of thalidomide in solution. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 25:324-337, 1965.
SHÉSKIN, J. Influencia de la talidomida, esteroides, analgésicos y placebos sobrela velocidad de la conducción motors en la neurites cubital reaccional. Med. Cut., 4(5) :459-464, 1970.
SOMERS, G.F. Pharmacological properties of thalidomide (alfaphthalamide glutarimide) a new sedative hipnotic drug. Brit. J. Pharmacol., 15:111-116, 1960.
SOUZA, L.P. Thalidomide. Brit. Med. J., 2 (5152) :635, 1959.
THOMAS, E.M. et al. Efeito da talidomida sobre os linfócitos e imunoglobulinas G.A e M no sanguesirculante de pessoas normais. Bol. Div. Nac. Dermat. Sanit., 34 (1/4) :73-79, 1975.
TURK, J.L. et al. Effect of thalidomide on the immunological response in local lymph nodes after a skin homograft. Lancet, 1: 1134, 1966.
ULRICH, M.; SALAS, B.; CONVIT, J. Thalidomide activity in experimental arthus and anaphylactic reactions. Int. J.
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5. Emprego em outras dermatoses
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SHESKIN, J. Zur Therapie des Prurigo nodulaires Hyde mit Thalidomid. Hautartz, 26:215-217, 1975.

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