Postural Balance in Patients with Leprosy Sequels


  • Amanda Zagui Mendes Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Daniele Concicovski Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Juliana Mayki Malacarne Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Karine Carminati Domingos Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Lysiane Langenberg Serozini Fisioterapeuta pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Carlos Eduardo de Albuquerque Mestre, docente da graduação em fisioterapia pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Celeide Pinto Aguiar Peres Docente da graduação em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
  • Gladson Ricardo Flor Bertolini Doutor, Docente da graduação em Fisioterapia e do Mestrado em Biociências e Saúde da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.



Leprosy, Postural Balanc, Physical Therapy


Mycobacterium leprae is the causative agent of leprosy. It has affinity for nerve cells and can cause loss or reduction of sensitivity that can limit the balance control in affected people. This study aimed to analyze the postural control in subjects with leprosy sequels and compare it with healthy subjects. Methods: The sample consisted of 28 volunteers, aged between 25
and 67 years, divided into two groups: control group (CG) and the leprosy group (LG). The subjects underwent functional balance by the mini-BESTest and soon after, laboratory test of sensorial integration with stabilography was carried out. Results: The analysis of pressure center area in closed eyes conditions on stable and unstable surfaces showed significant differences (p<0.001) in CG and HG. The mini-BESTest results were not significantly different. Conclusion: A similarity in the pattern of body sway area was found within the groups, however, when HG and CG were compared, leprosy patients with sequel showed less ability to maintain body stability. However, these mini-BESTest changes did not reflect the same results.


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How to Cite

Mendes AZ, Concicovski D, Malacarne JM, Domingos KC, Serozini LL, Albuquerque CE de, Peres CPA, Bertolini GRF. Postural Balance in Patients with Leprosy Sequels. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];39(1):3-7. Available from:



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