The objective of this work was to report on the experience of individuals treated for leprosy in the city of Palmas, Tocantins. For this, a qualitative research was proposed. In 2011 and 2012, data was collected using a semi-structured text that contained the question: “Would you like to make a comment about the disease and treatment?” This study includes the perceptions of 57 individuals who responded by reporting on their pain while coping with the disease and their changes in life style. They also commented on the adverse effects of the medications they took during treatment, the ignorance of the disease, the lack of support from health professionals after the end of treatment and the discrimination and shame that they experienced. Having leprosy shows the importance of the psychosocial dimension of coping with the disease, the success of treatment and the complications involved. This work demonstrates the different experiences and perceptions of patients, their fears, doubts and pain as constants during treatment and persisting afterwards.
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