One hundred and twenty Brazilian patients with several forms of hanseniasis were tested with DNCB. The results were the following: 1) the sensitization of patients with hanseniasis to DNCB was lower than that seen in the general population; 2) the sensitization of the borderline and virchowian forms of hanseniasis were lower than that seen In the indeterminate and tuberculoid forms.
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2 - K A T Z, S . I . ; D E B ET Z, B . H . ; ZA I A S , N . Production of macrophage Inhibitory factor by patients with leprosy. Arch. Derm., 10314): 358-361, 1971.
3 - MENDES, E.; RAPHAEL, A.; MOTA, N.G.S.;MENDES, N.F. Cell-mediated immunity in leprosy and transfer of delayed hypersensitivity. reactions. J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol., 93(4): 223-229, 1974.
4 - R A B E L L O , F . É . A . F a i t s n o u v e a u x d e I'immunologie de la lepre; consequences qui en découlent pour notre conception générale de la maladie. Bull. Soc. Franç. Derm. Syph., 45:823-827, 1938.
5 - W A L D O R F , D . S . ; S H E A G R E N , J . N . ; TRAUTMAN, J.R.; BLOCK, J.B. Impaired delayed hypersensitivity in patients with
lepromatous leprosy. Lancet., 2:773-775, 1966.
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