Fades leprosa was characterized by a combination of nasal change and resorption of nasal bone, anterior nasal spine, supra-incisive alveolar region and anterior alveolar process of the maxilae, associated with the loss of upper incisors teeth, according to the criteria of radiographic interpretation.
1 ANTIA,N.H. The correlation of facial defonnisties in leprosy by plastic surgery. Lepr. India, 32(2): 112-115,1960.
2 BARTON, R.P.E. A clinical study of the nose in lepromatous leprosy. Lepr. Rev., 45(2): 135-144,1974.
3 BRAND, P.W. apud MÖLLER CHRISTENSEN, V. New knowledge of leprosy through paleopathology. Int. J. Lepr., 33(3 pt.2): 603-610, 1965.
4 BRASIL, J.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; SOUZA-FREITAS, J.A.; ROSSI, J.E.S. Estudo histológico e baciloscópico de lesões lepróticas da mucosa bucal. Estomat. Cult., 7(2): 113-119, 1973.
5 BRASIL, J.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; SOUZAFREITAS, JA.; FLEURY, R.N. Incidência de alterações patológicas da mucosa bucal em pacientes portadores de hanseníase virchowiana. Estomat. Cult., 8(1): 137-152, 1974.
6 BREAUX, R.P. Lesions of the mouth with special emphasis on the importance of dental care. In: COCHRANE, R.G. & DAVEY, T.F.
Leprosy in the theory and practice. 2. ed. Bristol, JohnWright, 1964. p 327-330.
7 CARVALHO, I.M.; SOUZA-FREITAS, LA.; BROSCO, H.B.; BONFANTE, G. Estudo das condições dentais e necessidades de tratamento
em hansenianos. Estomat. Cult., 8(1):29-40,1974.
8 DIWAN, V.S. A survey of deformities in leprosy: with special reference to face. Lepr. Rev., 33(4): 255-262, 1962.
9 EPKER, B.N. & VIA, W.F. Oral and peitoral manifestations of leprosy. Oral Surg., 28(3): 342-347,1969.
10 FAGET, H. & MAYORAL, A. Bone changes in leprosy: clinical and roentgenolic study of 505 cases. Radiology, 42(1): 1-13, 1944.
11 FALCHI, Q. & GIUNTINI, C. La tomogtafia nelle manifestazioni craniofacciali della lebbra. Radiol. Med., 52: 549-560, 1966.
12 GARRINGTON, G.E. & CRUMP, M.C. Pulp death in patient with lepromatous leprosy. Oral Surg., 25: 427-434,1968.
13 HJORTING-HANSEN, E.; KLOFT,B.; SCHMIDT, H. Leprotic granuloma in the maxilla. Int. J. Lepr., 33(1): 83-88, 1965.
14 HODGSON, J.R.; PUGH, D.G.; YOUNG, H.H. Roentgenologic aspect of certain lesions of bone: neurotrophic or infectious. Radiology, 50(1): 65-71, 1948.
15 ITAKURA, T. The histo-pathological studies on teeth of lepers, especially on dental pulp and gingival tissues.Jap. J. Med. Sd., 5(3 pt.
5): 201-220, 1940.
16 JOB, C.K.; KARAT, S.; KARAT, A.B.A. Pathological study of nasal deformity in lepromatous leprosy. Lepr. India, 40 (2): 42-46, 1968.
17 LECHAT, M. & CHARDOME, J. Altérations radiologiques des os dela face chez lépreux congalais. Ann. Soc. Beige Med. Trop., 35 (5): 603-611,1955.
18 LICHTERMAN, I.; WATANABE, Y.; HIDAKA, T. Leprosy of the oral cavity and adnexa. Oral Sung., 15: 1178-1194,1962.
19 MELA, B. &CASOTTI, L. Sulle manifestazioni oralli e mascellari sulla lebbra. Stomatol ItaL, 1: 755-763,1939.
20 MELSON, R. Changes in the maxillary bone in leprosy: a clinical and roentgenological examination. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LEPROLOGIA, 6., Madrid, 1953. Memory. Madrid, 1954. p. 747-750.
21 MICHMAN,. J. & SAGHER, F. Changes in the22 MIRANDA, R.N. & MIRANDA, R.P.G. Manifestações da lepra sobre o esqueleto. In: —
Uma introdução d odontoleprologia. Lepra: suas manifestações buco-maxilares no adulto e na criança. Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 1973. p. 21-25.
23 MIRANDA, R.P.G. Efeitos da lepra na cavidade oral Pub'. Cent. Est. LeproL, 10 (1): 24-27, 1970.
24 MIRANDA, R.P.G. Osteodental alterations and anomalies in children suffering from leprosy. Publ. Cent. Est. LeproL, 9 (1): 17-24, 1969.
25 MOLLER CHRISTENSEN, V. Changes in the anterior nasal spine and the alveolar process of the maxillae in leprosy: a clinical
examination. Int. J. Lepr., 42(4): 431-435, 1974.
26 MÖLLER-CHRISTENSEN, V. Changes in the maxillary bone in leprosy. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LEPROLOGIA, 6., Madrid, 1953. Memoria. Madrid, 1954. p.743-746.
27 MOLLER CHRISTENSEN, V. New knowledge of leprosy through paleopathology. Mt. J. Lepr., 33 (3): 603-610, 1965.
28 MOLLERCHRISTENSEN, V. & WEISS, D.L. One of the oldest datable skeletons with leprous bone changes from the Naestved
Leprosy Hospital Churchyard in Denmark. Int. J. Lepro., 39(2): 172-182, 1971.
29 MOLLER-CHRISTENSEN, V.; BAKKE, S.N.; MELSON, R.S.; WAALER, E. Changes in the anterior nasal spine and the alveolar process of the maxillary bone in leprosy. Int. J. Lepr.. 20(3): 335-340,1952.
30 MON TANANA VIZCAINO, J. Revisión del problema de la úlcera trófica en la enfermedad de Hansen. Rev. Leprol. Fontilles, 7 (5):
31 NAIR, B.K.H.; MATHEW, B.; ZACHARIA, J. Oral lesions in leprosy. Lepr. India, 47 (3): 243. 1975.
32 NEMIROVSKY, S. La lepra en otorinolaringologia. Rev. Med. Rosario, 28 (6): 607-620,1938.
33 NUNES, BJ.L.; SOUZA-FREITAS, J.A.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; DAMANTE, J.H. Alterações ósseas da espinha nasal anterior e do processo alveolar anterior da maxila na hanseníase. Estomat. Cult., 8(2): 235-251, 1974.
34 OLIETE, J. Clasificacion de las deformidades y secuelas en la enfermedad de Hansen. Acta Leprol., (14): 37-44, 1963.
35 PATERSON, D.E. Bone changes in leprosy: their incidence, progress, prevention and arrest. Int. J. Lepr., 29 (4): 393-422, 1961.
36 PAVLOFF, N. Leprosy in the nose and mouth. Lepr. Rev., 1 (2): 21-25, 1930.
37 PELEGRINO, D.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; CAMPOS, I. Lesões lepróticas da cavidade oral: sua importância sob o ponto de vista profilático. Estornai. Cult., 4(2): 123-128, 1970.
38 PINKERTON, FJ. Leprosy of the ear, nose and throat: observations on more than two hundred cases in Hawaii. Arch. Otolaryng., 16 (4): 469-487,1932.
39 PINKERTON, FJ. Leprosy of the upper respiratory tract. J. Amer. Med. Ass., 111 (15): 1437-1443,1938.
40 PREJEAN , B.M. Oral aspects of leprosy. J. Amer. Dent. Ass., 17: 1030-1038,1930.
41 PREJEAN, B.M. Oral manifestations in leprosy: general survey of oral conditions as determined in National Leprosarium. Int. J.
Orthodont., 22: 1189-1194,1936.
42 REICHART, P. Facial and oral manifestations in leprosy: an evaluation of seventy cases. Oral Surg., 41(3): 385-399, 1976.
43 SAKAI, T. & MATSUMOTO, S. Electron microscope study of dental pulp of lepromatous patients. Int. J. Lepr., 36(3): 309-317,1968.
44 SANCHEZ, C. Un nevo signo en la destruccion de los cartilagos nasales. Rev. Venez. Sanid. Asist. Soc., 36(1/2): 155-171, 1971.
45 SILVA, O.L. Tratamento das localizações leprosas nas vias aéreas superiores e na boca. Rev. Med. Minas (Belo Horizonte) 5(60): 9-21, 1938.
46 TIECKE, R.W. Oral pathology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1965. 873 p.
47 VARELA, A.G. Contribuição do cirurgião-dentista na recuperação do hanseniano. In: CONGRESSO PERNAMBUCANO DE ODONTOLOGIA, 1., Recife, 1955. Recife, 1955. p. 157-163.
48 WAALER, E. Changes in the maxillary bone leprosy. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LEPROLOGIA, 6., Madrid, 1953. Memoria. Madrid, 1954. p. 751-758.
49 WHITAKER, L. Leprosy nodules on hard palate. Lepr. India, 9 (4): 149-150, 1937. Recebido anterior nasal spine and the alveolar process of the maxillary bone in leprosy. Int. J. Lepr., 25(3): 217-222, 1957.
2 BARTON, R.P.E. A clinical study of the nose in lepromatous leprosy. Lepr. Rev., 45(2): 135-144,1974.
3 BRAND, P.W. apud MÖLLER CHRISTENSEN, V. New knowledge of leprosy through paleopathology. Int. J. Lepr., 33(3 pt.2): 603-610, 1965.
4 BRASIL, J.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; SOUZA-FREITAS, J.A.; ROSSI, J.E.S. Estudo histológico e baciloscópico de lesões lepróticas da mucosa bucal. Estomat. Cult., 7(2): 113-119, 1973.
5 BRASIL, J.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; SOUZAFREITAS, JA.; FLEURY, R.N. Incidência de alterações patológicas da mucosa bucal em pacientes portadores de hanseníase virchowiana. Estomat. Cult., 8(1): 137-152, 1974.
6 BREAUX, R.P. Lesions of the mouth with special emphasis on the importance of dental care. In: COCHRANE, R.G. & DAVEY, T.F.
Leprosy in the theory and practice. 2. ed. Bristol, JohnWright, 1964. p 327-330.
7 CARVALHO, I.M.; SOUZA-FREITAS, LA.; BROSCO, H.B.; BONFANTE, G. Estudo das condições dentais e necessidades de tratamento
em hansenianos. Estomat. Cult., 8(1):29-40,1974.
8 DIWAN, V.S. A survey of deformities in leprosy: with special reference to face. Lepr. Rev., 33(4): 255-262, 1962.
9 EPKER, B.N. & VIA, W.F. Oral and peitoral manifestations of leprosy. Oral Surg., 28(3): 342-347,1969.
10 FAGET, H. & MAYORAL, A. Bone changes in leprosy: clinical and roentgenolic study of 505 cases. Radiology, 42(1): 1-13, 1944.
11 FALCHI, Q. & GIUNTINI, C. La tomogtafia nelle manifestazioni craniofacciali della lebbra. Radiol. Med., 52: 549-560, 1966.
12 GARRINGTON, G.E. & CRUMP, M.C. Pulp death in patient with lepromatous leprosy. Oral Surg., 25: 427-434,1968.
13 HJORTING-HANSEN, E.; KLOFT,B.; SCHMIDT, H. Leprotic granuloma in the maxilla. Int. J. Lepr., 33(1): 83-88, 1965.
14 HODGSON, J.R.; PUGH, D.G.; YOUNG, H.H. Roentgenologic aspect of certain lesions of bone: neurotrophic or infectious. Radiology, 50(1): 65-71, 1948.
15 ITAKURA, T. The histo-pathological studies on teeth of lepers, especially on dental pulp and gingival tissues.Jap. J. Med. Sd., 5(3 pt.
5): 201-220, 1940.
16 JOB, C.K.; KARAT, S.; KARAT, A.B.A. Pathological study of nasal deformity in lepromatous leprosy. Lepr. India, 40 (2): 42-46, 1968.
17 LECHAT, M. & CHARDOME, J. Altérations radiologiques des os dela face chez lépreux congalais. Ann. Soc. Beige Med. Trop., 35 (5): 603-611,1955.
18 LICHTERMAN, I.; WATANABE, Y.; HIDAKA, T. Leprosy of the oral cavity and adnexa. Oral Sung., 15: 1178-1194,1962.
19 MELA, B. &CASOTTI, L. Sulle manifestazioni oralli e mascellari sulla lebbra. Stomatol ItaL, 1: 755-763,1939.
20 MELSON, R. Changes in the maxillary bone in leprosy: a clinical and roentgenological examination. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LEPROLOGIA, 6., Madrid, 1953. Memory. Madrid, 1954. p. 747-750.
21 MICHMAN,. J. & SAGHER, F. Changes in the22 MIRANDA, R.N. & MIRANDA, R.P.G. Manifestações da lepra sobre o esqueleto. In: —
Uma introdução d odontoleprologia. Lepra: suas manifestações buco-maxilares no adulto e na criança. Curitiba, Universidade Federal do Paraná, 1973. p. 21-25.
23 MIRANDA, R.P.G. Efeitos da lepra na cavidade oral Pub'. Cent. Est. LeproL, 10 (1): 24-27, 1970.
24 MIRANDA, R.P.G. Osteodental alterations and anomalies in children suffering from leprosy. Publ. Cent. Est. LeproL, 9 (1): 17-24, 1969.
25 MOLLER CHRISTENSEN, V. Changes in the anterior nasal spine and the alveolar process of the maxillae in leprosy: a clinical
examination. Int. J. Lepr., 42(4): 431-435, 1974.
26 MÖLLER-CHRISTENSEN, V. Changes in the maxillary bone in leprosy. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LEPROLOGIA, 6., Madrid, 1953. Memoria. Madrid, 1954. p.743-746.
27 MOLLER CHRISTENSEN, V. New knowledge of leprosy through paleopathology. Mt. J. Lepr., 33 (3): 603-610, 1965.
28 MOLLERCHRISTENSEN, V. & WEISS, D.L. One of the oldest datable skeletons with leprous bone changes from the Naestved
Leprosy Hospital Churchyard in Denmark. Int. J. Lepro., 39(2): 172-182, 1971.
29 MOLLER-CHRISTENSEN, V.; BAKKE, S.N.; MELSON, R.S.; WAALER, E. Changes in the anterior nasal spine and the alveolar process of the maxillary bone in leprosy. Int. J. Lepr.. 20(3): 335-340,1952.
30 MON TANANA VIZCAINO, J. Revisión del problema de la úlcera trófica en la enfermedad de Hansen. Rev. Leprol. Fontilles, 7 (5):
31 NAIR, B.K.H.; MATHEW, B.; ZACHARIA, J. Oral lesions in leprosy. Lepr. India, 47 (3): 243. 1975.
32 NEMIROVSKY, S. La lepra en otorinolaringologia. Rev. Med. Rosario, 28 (6): 607-620,1938.
33 NUNES, BJ.L.; SOUZA-FREITAS, J.A.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; DAMANTE, J.H. Alterações ósseas da espinha nasal anterior e do processo alveolar anterior da maxila na hanseníase. Estomat. Cult., 8(2): 235-251, 1974.
34 OLIETE, J. Clasificacion de las deformidades y secuelas en la enfermedad de Hansen. Acta Leprol., (14): 37-44, 1963.
35 PATERSON, D.E. Bone changes in leprosy: their incidence, progress, prevention and arrest. Int. J. Lepr., 29 (4): 393-422, 1961.
36 PAVLOFF, N. Leprosy in the nose and mouth. Lepr. Rev., 1 (2): 21-25, 1930.
37 PELEGRINO, D.; OPROMOLLA, D.V.A.; CAMPOS, I. Lesões lepróticas da cavidade oral: sua importância sob o ponto de vista profilático. Estornai. Cult., 4(2): 123-128, 1970.
38 PINKERTON, FJ. Leprosy of the ear, nose and throat: observations on more than two hundred cases in Hawaii. Arch. Otolaryng., 16 (4): 469-487,1932.
39 PINKERTON, FJ. Leprosy of the upper respiratory tract. J. Amer. Med. Ass., 111 (15): 1437-1443,1938.
40 PREJEAN , B.M. Oral aspects of leprosy. J. Amer. Dent. Ass., 17: 1030-1038,1930.
41 PREJEAN, B.M. Oral manifestations in leprosy: general survey of oral conditions as determined in National Leprosarium. Int. J.
Orthodont., 22: 1189-1194,1936.
42 REICHART, P. Facial and oral manifestations in leprosy: an evaluation of seventy cases. Oral Surg., 41(3): 385-399, 1976.
43 SAKAI, T. & MATSUMOTO, S. Electron microscope study of dental pulp of lepromatous patients. Int. J. Lepr., 36(3): 309-317,1968.
44 SANCHEZ, C. Un nevo signo en la destruccion de los cartilagos nasales. Rev. Venez. Sanid. Asist. Soc., 36(1/2): 155-171, 1971.
45 SILVA, O.L. Tratamento das localizações leprosas nas vias aéreas superiores e na boca. Rev. Med. Minas (Belo Horizonte) 5(60): 9-21, 1938.
46 TIECKE, R.W. Oral pathology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1965. 873 p.
47 VARELA, A.G. Contribuição do cirurgião-dentista na recuperação do hanseniano. In: CONGRESSO PERNAMBUCANO DE ODONTOLOGIA, 1., Recife, 1955. Recife, 1955. p. 157-163.
48 WAALER, E. Changes in the maxillary bone leprosy. In: CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LEPROLOGIA, 6., Madrid, 1953. Memoria. Madrid, 1954. p. 751-758.
49 WHITAKER, L. Leprosy nodules on hard palate. Lepr. India, 9 (4): 149-150, 1937. Recebido anterior nasal spine and the alveolar process of the maxillary bone in leprosy. Int. J. Lepr., 25(3): 217-222, 1957.
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