Estudo das reações de fernandez e mitsuda em pacientes hansenianos e seus contatos
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Fernandez's reaction
Mitsuda's reaction

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ARRUDA M, ARRUDA O, ASTOLFI C, OPROMOLLA D. Estudo das reações de fernandez e mitsuda em pacientes hansenianos e seus contatos. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1985 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];10(1/2):23-31. Available from:


Hanseniasis patients and contacts of Virchowian patients, totalizing 467 persons have been submitted to Mitsuda's reaction. These individuals have been divided into five groups: group 1 compounded of 59 persons, relatives of Virchowian patients; group 2 — 171 persons, employees of the Hospital Lauro de Souza Lima working there for more than one year; group 3 —127 hanseniasis patients in activity, Mitsuda negative; group 4 — 63 hanseniasis patients in activity, Mitsuda positive; group 5 — 47 Virchowian patients, inactive, Mitsuda negative. The analysis of the data showed that: a) hanseniasis patients, both Mitsuda positive and negative, do nor present positivity to Fernandez's reaction; b) early reaction can be observed more frequently in individuais of group 1 than in those of group 2. Mitsuda's antigen causes the reversal of Fernandez's reaction in about 30% of indirect contatcs; c) the percentage of negative Mitsuda's reactions (without induration) does not differ between groups 1 and 2, though inclinations smaller than 5mm have been as many as 10 times more frequent in individuals of group 1. A  second application of the antigen in Mitsuda negative persons showed the reversal of the test in 100% of the tested subjects.
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