Contribuição ao estudo histopatológico do epineuro cubital em doentes de hanseníase indiferenciada


  • Daisy R. KATZ Mestre em Dermatologia pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Médica-atendente da Seção de Elucidação Diagnósticas do Instituto de Saúde da Secretaria da Saúde do Estado de São Paulo
  • Estevam de ALMEIDA NETO Professor-Assistente Doutor da Divisão de Dermatologia do Departamento de Medicina Tropical e Dermatologia da Faculdade de Medicina da USP.
  • José Eduardo Costa MARTINS Livre-Docente em Dermatologia da Faculdade de Medicina da USP.
  • Ana Maria Crous TSANACLIS Auxiliar de ensino do Departamento de Patologia da Faculdade de Medicina da USP. Mestre em Neurologia pela Faculdade de Medicina da USP.



Hanseniasis, Epineurium, Pathology


Twelve hanseniasis patients, undifferentiated group, with negative bacilloscopy and having undergone no prior treatment, were submitted to a biopsy of the cubital epineurium for histopathological study. All subjects were clinically observed after one month, and six of them were examined 4 to 5 years afterwards. Histopathology of the epineurium presented acid-fast bacilli in one patient and tuberculoid granuloma formation tendency in another. Epineural thickening was observed in nine patients and perivascular lymphomonocuclear inflammatory infiltration in six. The clinical examination after 1 month in the 12 patients as well as after 4 to 5 years in 6 of them, demonstrated innocuousness of the performed biopsy. Four to five years after the initial observation, the clinical examination showed that two patients who remained Mitsuda negative did not  resent histopathologically thickened epineurium at the beginning, while in four patients who then presented positive Mitsuda, the initial histopathological examination showed epineural thickening. Among the nine patients having a histopathologically thickened epineurium, six did not present initial lesions in the upper limbs. Therefore, the study of the cubital epineurium early thickening deserves special mention, and should be performed in a larger number of patients, as well as in control  groups, since the follow-up of four among six patients showed epineural thickening and reversal of the Mitsuda reactions to


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How to Cite

KATZ DR, ALMEIDA NETO E de, MARTINS JEC, TSANACLIS AMC. Contribuição ao estudo histopatológico do epineuro cubital em doentes de hanseníase indiferenciada . Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1983 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];8(1):22-45. Available from:



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