Reação hansbnica com lesões viscerais


  • Ivander BASTAZINI
  • R. N. FLEURY Patologista - (Hospital "Lauro de Souza Lima", Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil)



The paper presents the case of a patient with Virchovian Hansen's disease who died during an outbreak of Hansenic reaction. The correlation of anatomical and clinical factors suggest as the probable "causa mortis" secundary shock due an acute, extended infection involving the trachea, mediastinum, pleura and pericardium. An analysis of clinical findings and those resulting from a study of the larynx in the pos mortem, indicate that the initial involvement of the larynx-trachea was consequent to the necrotic, suppurative lesions of the Hansenic reaction at the larynx level. The same necrotic-suppurative involvement of the Hansenic reaction is also encountered in the midst of Virchowian infiltrations in the skin, in lymphatic nodes, peripheral nerves, testis, liver and spleen. The paper comments that lesions of this intensity can cause serious functional disturbances and worsen greatly the anatomical conditions of involved structures. Finally, the paper emphasizes the presence of mesangial and endothelial proliferative glomerulitis as the anatomical substance of the proteinuria observed while the patient was living.


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How to Cite

BASTAZINI I, FLEURY RN. Reação hansbnica com lesões viscerais. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1978 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];3(1):87-93. Available from:



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