The aim of this study was to identify the detection rates and prevalence of leprosy in the Bragança Paulista city (SP) in the period 1999-2006, outlining the predominantform of the disease, and comparing the degree of disability reported in the diagnosis and end treatment. Information was collected from medical records, in the notification records in the SINAN and DATASUS databases (n=171). Were performed qualitative and quantitative analyses using the chi-square test (p ≤ 0.01). 171 records were analyzed, only 47% of these patients had been evaluated at diagnosis and discharged as cured. The investigation of the degree of disability of patients evaluated at diagnosis and discharge, showed that in the right eye 10.4% worsened and 34.8% of patients with disabilities in the diagnosis improved (p = 0). In the left eye, 8.6% worsened and 39.1% of patients with grade I or II in diagnosis improved (p = 0). On the right hand, 9.4% worsened and 18.7% of those with grade I or II improved (p = 0). In his left hand, 7.7% worsened and 37.5% of which were grade I or II showed improvement (p = 0). In the right foot, 20% showed worsening under disability and 30.3% of those with grade I or II in diagnosis improved (p = 0). In the left foot, 28.6% worsened and 28.2% of those with grade I or II improved (p = 0). The patients evaluated in the diagnosis and discharge had significant reductions in degrees of disability in the eyes, hands and feet, suggesting that preventive actions can have an impact on prevention of disabilities.
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