Physical disabilities in Leprosy: Thing of the Past or Priority in Prevention?


  • Glauca G. Mantellini Pht, PhD, Membro Titular, Equipe de Reabilitação do Spital Netz Bern Ziegler, Berna, Suíça.
  • Aguinaldo Gonçalves Médico Sanitarista, Professor Titular, Grupo de Saúde Coletiva e Atividade Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
  • Carlos Roberto Padovani Matemático, Professor Titular, Departamento de Bioestatística, Universidade Estadual Paulista – Campus de Botucatu.



Leprosy, physical disabilities, priorities in health


Despite the relative scarcity of prospective studies on the subject, with the current expansion of the incidence of Hansen’s disease, its physical disabilities highlight increasing prominence, taking the personal and social meaning of these a step further, exacerbated by statements of even top religious authorities: The semantic therapy does not resolve if the ideology of the message remains. As a result, the implementation of preventive measures, diagnosis and treatment at the local unit, already fairly systematic in their respective technical aspects, is mandatory and essential. According to the World Health Organization, it is to implement measures, especially of: strengthening of programs, policies and national strategies for implementation of basic rules(for medical care, rehabilitation and support services), increase of greater awareness of the public on the importance of the issue of disabilities, as well as the coordination of all sectors of society to participate in activities to prevent disability; cooperation of state members in collecting more reliable data on relevant aspects. Such questions are the primary issues addressed in the present paper, from technical information available on the international expertise literature to the personal and professional experience of the authors.


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How to Cite

Mantellini GG, Gonçalves A, Padovani CR. Physical disabilities in Leprosy: Thing of the Past or Priority in Prevention?. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2009 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];34(2):33-9. Available from:



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