Compartive study of the disability grade in treated patients with 12 and 24 doses of multidrugtherapy/WHO – patients attended in Brasília - DF
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physical disabilities
multi-drug treatment

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Escarabel CM, Alvarez RRA, Carvalho GA, Moreira D. Compartive study of the disability grade in treated patients with 12 and 24 doses of multidrugtherapy/WHO – patients attended in Brasília - DF. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2007 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Nov. 23];32(2):163-74. Available from:


The treatment of leprosy is not limited to the cure of patient with leprosy bacilli, considering that the possible physical disabilities leprosy-induced are one of the most stigmatizing factors. With the changing of arrangement in the multi-drug therapy, from 24 to 12 doses, the need to get a better knowledge of how these patients have been behaving, when the drugs are out, regarding physical disabilities and (side effects reactions) outbreaks reaction. This is a cross-sectional study, to verify the degreesof physical disabilities in hands and feet, after high drug therapy from 1998 to 2000 being reevaluated in 2005. We evaluated 60 patients where 30 patients were treated with 12 doses and 30 patients were treated with 24 doses of three reference leprosy treatment centers in Plano Piloto - Brasilia. The presence of disabilities is related to the number of outbreaks reaction (side effects reactions).The Patients that were treated with 12 doses tended to produce more post-treatment reactions (10%), while those treated with 24 doses had a higher rate of reactions during treatment. Concerning the degrees of disability there was a significant worsening of the patients in both groups, in the second evaluation. There is a need for a greater control of post-discharge patients because the majority of further damage from leprosy reactions occurs when the drug therapy is out where the disabilities can appear. It is suggested that the patients’ monitoring becomes monthly to evaluate the development of reaction episodes and to prevent the development of the same degree of disability.
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