Quantification of the oxidative stress in the blood of people with hansen's disease undertaking or not a specific treatment
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oxidative stress
Heinz's bodies

How to Cite

Rimolil LF, Godoy MF de. Quantification of the oxidative stress in the blood of people with hansen’s disease undertaking or not a specific treatment. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2001 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];26(2):93-8. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/36402


In this study we evaluated the quantification of the oxidative stress in the blood of people with Hansen's disease undertaking or not a specific treatment. It was colleted blood samples of 62 people carriers of Hansen and 13 healthy people. From these 62 patients, 35 were of multibacilar form and were being treated with clofazimine, dapsone and rifampicine; 16 of the paucibacilar form treated with dapsone and rifampicine; 11 of the patients were taking no treatment, being 5 of the multibacilar form and 6 of the paucibacilar form. The blood samples colleted were taken for laboratory analyses where were made the dosage of methemoglobin and count of Heinz's bodies. The obtained results were submitted statistical analyses according to the Odds Ratio and Confidence Interval 95%. We concluded that the oxidative stress was caused by the therapy administered, not by the Hansen's disease itself, and the group that was taking clofazimine showed worse results, that is, higher oxidative stress.

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