This is a descriptive and operational study that focus on the transmission and control of leprosy in the Municipality of Governador Valadares, and has as objectives to analyze operational and epidemiological coefficients, to delimit risk areas and to formulate strategies for control and elimination of leprosy as a public health problem. The results indicated that Governador Valadares is a hiperendemic city (prevalence of 16,2/10.000 inhabitants and detection of 10,22/10.000 inhabitants in 2000). The increase of detection in children under the age of 15 years is in
contrast with the descending line of disease detection verified the year. Of the new cases, 14% had detectable incapacity, indicating a delayed diagnosis and an occult prevalence. The implementation of the Family Health Program in 1998 did not modify the endemic picture of the disease. We concluded that this endemic disease is increasing in the city. We suggest that the intensification of the strategies of control through the Plan of
Elimination based on politics and epidemiological grounds, such as: economical, political and social sustainability for the elimination of the disease; decentralization of the actions of leprosy control through the Family Health Program; the search of active cases; and the investigation of sentinel events for leprosy in "silent" areas.
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