An 86 years old male was referred to the "Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima" 20 years ago with subpolar lepromatous leprosy, saddle nose and subtotal madarosis. Two months after the beginning of the treatment for Hansen's disease, the patient presented a type I reaction with neuritis. A biopsy showed a tuberculoid granulomatous reaction in the skin and nerves. During a second episode of a type I reaction he developed a severe laryngitis with upper respiratory obstruction and was submitted to a tracheostomy Several other episodes of type I reaction appeared until the patient became cured, seven years ago, after he had been under several therapeutic regimens. Short after he had been released from treatment, new skin lesions developed as several esquamous macules with well-limited edges. In 1997 some biopsies confirmed the diagnosis of mycosis fungoides. The authors discuss: a) the pathogenesis of the several episodes of a type I reaction and laryngeal involvement. b) possible relationship between multibacillary leprosy and mycosis fungoides. c) difficulties found on diagnosis of mycosis fungoides in this case.
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