Avaliação dos níveis de lipídeos, lipoproteínas, apoproteínas e o papel da lipoproteína(a) no desenvolvimento de aterosclerose e alterações fibrinolíticas nos pacientes portadores de hanseníase virchoviana
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How to Cite

Dalpino D, Magna LA, Opromolla DVA. Avaliação dos níveis de lipídeos, lipoproteínas, apoproteínas e o papel da lipoproteína(a) no desenvolvimento de aterosclerose e alterações fibrinolíticas nos pacientes portadores de hanseníase virchoviana. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1997 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 27];22(2):20-3. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/36452


Alteration in the lipid metabolism of lepromatous leprosy patients has been reported by several workers. Cardiovascular diseases, especially atherosclerosis, is frequentely referred in the anatomopathological description of lepromatous leprosy in patients from the Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima, Bauru. A subnormal level of serum total cholesterol has been observed in active lepromatous leprosy. Concerned of this fact, we determined the blood level of the protector and risk factor of the cardiovascular diseases in 82 lepromatous leprosy inpatients from that Institute and outpatients of the Healthcare Center-I Ambulatory, in Bauru. We did not confirm the low cholesterol level referred in many surveys and the obtained value for the HDL cholesterol was remarkabally different from data found among lepromatous leprosy patients in India. Fibrinolytic activity is significantly decreased in patients of lepromatous leprosy and in erythema nodosum leprosum 29,30,31,48,49. Plasminogen and
apolipoprotein(a) are also genetically linked on human chromosome 6, and partial amino acid sequence of both is homologous21 . Based upon our labotatory data we suggest the importance of lipoprotein(a) in determining the cardiovascular disease risk and fibrinolytic activity alteration in lepromatous leprosy patients. Because we found highly increased blood levels of lipoprotein(a) wen present data were compared to data found in previous surveys.

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