Capacitação de multiplicadores na área de enfermagem em hanseníase
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Pedrazzani ES, Helene LMF, Vieira CS de CA, Vieth H, Bezerra CM, Mendes EB. Capacitação de multiplicadores na área de enfermagem em hanseníase. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1998 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];23(1/2):27-34. Available from:


Hansen's disease is an endemic disease in Brazil, where it shows the híghest prevalence in Latin America. In 1994 the WHO and PAHO together with the Ministry of Health wrote an agreement to set up an Elimination Plan. The São Paulo Health Secretariat set up goals to be met until the year 2000, within them, the training of Health Personal. In the nursing area a Technícal-Group was formed with the objetive of giving advises on specific nursing actions in Hansen's disease. This group held a training for nurses from different areas of the São Paulo State with the objective of training this professionals as to be the Regional-Supervisors in Hansen's disease. Firstly, it was done a division of the State considering epidemiological indicators of the disease. The criteria for selecting participants were (a) regions with the highest rates of prevalence and incidence and (b) regions where other health workers have already been trained. The training course had 6 theoretical and practical parts and contented nurse consultation, epidemiological control, prevention and control of disabilítíes, treatment, dressing, bacilloscopy, Mitsuda's test and what ever considered paramedical attributions. The methodology involved pedagogical technics using discussions and reflections based on the experience of the participants. There were two evaluations, one before and the other after the training. The first had a variation from 7 poínts to 127 points with a mean of 70 (55,1%). The evaluation after the training had a variation from 95 points to 127 points with a mean of 115 points (90,5%). At the end of the training, all partícípants had to present a plan how to multiply this program in his/her region. At thís tíme, these nurses had already trained 10 other nurses, always supervised by the Technical-Group.
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