Aplicação do teste Elisa anti-PGL-1 em localidade com alta endemicidade de hanseníase na região norte do estado de São Paulo
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Phenolic-glyco lipid ( PGL-l)

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Brasil MTL, Oliveira LR de, Melo CS de, Nakamura PM, Rimoli NS, Cavalari Filho S, Oliveira MB, Gattás VL, Gonçalves OSJ, Rotta O. Aplicação do teste Elisa anti-PGL-1 em localidade com alta endemicidade de hanseníase na região norte do estado de São Paulo. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1998 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 21];23(1/2):35-48. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/36463


Serum tests for the diagnosis of leprosy using the phenol-glycolipid-1 antigen (PGL-l) had opened several possibilities to the study of the epidemiological behavior of this disease. This research aimed on the evaluation of the results of using ELISA anti PGL-1 on an urban community with high leprosy endemicity in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. It presented, at the research time, detection and prevalence rates (27.1 and 167.2 cases per 10,000 inhabitants, respectively). A census reveled 8,491 persons living in the urban area and 6,666 of them were tested with the ELISA anti PGL-1. The serology was positive in 9.0% of the general population, 10.1% for the female population and 7.6% for the male population. Positive serology observed among women was higher in almost all age levels, except for those 50 years old or more. Among the registered patients the serum positive rate reached 22.6%. The high rate of clinically normal persons testing positive may be indicative of sub-clinical infection. Some unsolved questions remain, such as: which of these persons will present the disease and when. It also remains to be evaluated how this serology will perform in communities in medium to low endemic areas. Low sensibility of the test does not commend its general adoption as a diagnosis method in routine control programs activities. Nevertheless, it is considered important not to discard it as a research object to improve its sensibility, specificity and lower its cost. Thus, another instrument for the control and elimination of leprosy could be established.

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