Hansenose em foco na região norte do Brasil -1986


  • Rubens da Silveira BRITTO Diretor da Divisão de Saúde do Departamento de Recursos Humanos da SUDAM (Super intendência do Desenvolvimento da Amazônia) .




Some general facts about Hansen's Disease are presented: in the wor ld, in the Amer icas, in 1986, with the purpose to focalize on the Nor thern Region of Brazil (Amazon Valley) where an attempt is made to specify, State, the clinical forms in the active registry, the respective coefficients of
Prevalence, about the cases detected during the year, by clinical forms and the correspondent Coefficient of Incidence, the age range of less than 15 years, and above 15 years; and to analyze according to the township in the State of Amazonas in a series of 8 years, from 1979 to 1986, the registred cases under control and also without control, the new cases, by clinical form and Coefficient of Incidence, the positive cases among students in the capital and al- so in the country, and with more details, still by township and by Public Health Registry, in 1986. with the population, new cases, and Coefficient of Incidence, cases of the active registry, cases under control, Coefficient of Incidence, the relationship between
patients/inhabitants, cases ac- cording to the decreasing intensity as far as the Prevalence and Health Departament Regions: all this to give an idea, in detail, inclusive statistics, of the real position of Hansen's Disease in the Nor thern Region (Amazon Valley), with the highest figures of Prevalence and even of Incidence, in comparison with other Regions of the country, and to stress the grave situation of the endemic proportions of the disease, in Brazil in general and in that Regions, in particular.


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How to Cite

BRITTO R da S. Hansenose em foco na região norte do Brasil -1986. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1989 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];14(2):87-100. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/36496



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