Introduction: Hansen’s disease is caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae, which affects the skin and peripheral nervous system. It is highly endemic in Brazil. Negative social representations about leprosy are the result of historical beliefs and fears. Health education is a recommended strategy by Brazil’s Ministry of Health to reduce the burden of leprosy. Lack of health information is one of the obstacles to reducing the incidence of the disease. Objective: this study aims to identify the level of knowledge that the patients at a dermatology outpatient clinic have about leprosy. Methods: this is a cross-sectional observational study, that utilized a nine-question leprosy questionnaire and was administered to patients at a public hospital dermatology outpatient clinic in Pernambuco. Results: five hundred people answered the questionnaire. The majority of respondents were women over the age of 60. Approximately 92% of respondents were aware of leprosy/Hansen’s disease, but less than half correctly identified it as the same disease. Furthermore, only 50.4% of respondents had any knowledge about the disease. The identification of skin lesions was the most well-known symptom, while transmission and treatment were less familiar. Conclusion: therefore, it is evident that health education measures aimed at improving knowledge about the transmission and treatment of leprosy are crucial, particularly among health, educators, and media professionals. Additionally, conducting more studies to assess the population’s knowledge of the disease is necessary to address the lack of information and enable professionals to combat leprosy and prejudices more effectively.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Rafael Ximenes Bandeira de Morais, André Luiz Belém Negromonte dos Santos, Angela Cristina Rapela Medeiros, Márcia Almeida Galvão Teixeira