Errata and Retraction (Crossmark Policy)

Crossmark is a collaborative initiative by various publishers, organized by CrossRef, designed to provide readers with a standardized method to access the most current version of a published work. 

HI Journal uses Crossmark to ensure readers have access to revised and updated versions of articles. This commitment underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity of research data, benefiting researchers, librarians, and health professionals, and reinforcing trust in the academic electronic record. Applying the Crossmark icon demonstrates a commitment to preserving published content and ensuring transparency regarding any changes, guaranteeing that readers always have access to the most reliable version of a document. By clicking the Crossmark logo, readers can check the current status of a document and access information about its modification history.

The policy for article corrections, errata, and retractions in the Hansenologia Internationalis journal was developed to address these issues based on best editorial practices. The publication of errata and retractions, when necessary, will be carried out in accordance with the guidelines published by SciELO: Guide for the Registration, Tagging, and Publication of Errata and the Guide for the Registration, Tagging, and Publication of Retractions. These are in line with the Retraction Guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Thus, HI Journal adheres to international standards, updating its policies as necessary to ensure the integrity and trust in the publication of its content.

Therefore, in exceptional situations, an article may be modified in cases such as:

  1. Article Correction: minor errors identified after publication may be corrected through a revised version of the article or a correction notice (errata), detailing the changes, additions, or deletions of data and the reasons behind them.
  2. Article Retraction: this serves as a mechanism to alert readers that the research presents a problem or flaw, aiming to correct the scientific record and memory. Retractions may be partial (only a specific section retracted) or total, when severe issues are identified that significantly affect the results or conclusions. These may arise from honest mistakes, research misconduct, duplication, or plagiarism. Retractions will be clearly indicated and linked to the original article.

DOI of the Errata and Retraction Policy registered with Crossref: