Authors must ensure the originality of the texts submitted to the journal, and all references to works by different authors must be properly cited in the body of the text and included in the references section at the end of the manuscript.
To preserve the integrity of the content published, all manuscripts will be subjected to similarity checking using the Crossref Similarity Check tool during the desk review process.
Submissions that exhibit plagiarism will be rejected, and the authors will be notified of the reason for the rejection. If plagiarism is identified through a complaint after publication, the article will be retracted.
The editorial team uses the international guidelines set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Basic Guidelines for Integrity in Scientific Activities from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) as the basis for analyzing plagiarism.
If the text has been previously presented at scientific events or is the result of academic work, it is required that the submitted text is not identical to the version from which it originated, and that it is clearly an expansion of the initial work. Authors must indicate on the title page the reference to the event where it was presented or to the work with which it is related.
Use of Artificial Intelligence
Machines have certainly been integrated into people's daily lives for problem-solving for over five decades. This process has continuously enabled the production of smart devices that combine sensors, geolocation, and robotics with high performance, executing various advanced functions almost autonomously in fractions of a second. Currently, these technologies have been gaining significant attention, such as the generative artificial intelligence of Chat GPT by OpenAI.
In this context, Hansenologia Internationalis, as a platform for disseminating scientific knowledge, cannot ignore the potential benefits that new scientific information technologies may offer to the journal and its readers. On the other hand, attention to ethical principles and transparency will always be imperative.
Thus, the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in the preparation of research and manuscripts is acceptable. However, this should be done with caution and only to improve the language and readability of the text, as recommended by the Guide for the Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools and Resources in Research Communication in the SciELO Network. If generative AI or AI-assisted technology is used in manuscripts submitted to Hansenologia Internationalis, the authors must:
- Inform/mention the sources of the materials used in the research and writing of the article or chapter. Any and all use or content generated by an AI application must be disclosed in the abstract and in the methods section or its equivalent.
- Ensure that all cited material is properly attributed, including full citations, and that the sources cited support the statements made by the AI application, as it is not uncommon for references to non-existent works to be generated.
- Take public responsibility for your work.
- Indicate in the title page the declaration of the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process.
Artificial Intelligence does not constitute authorship; therefore, it is unacceptable for the name of any AI or algorithm to be included as an author of the work. Similarly, concealing the use and content of AI is an ethical failure that violates the principles of transparency and honesty in research.