Dermatoneurological and serological evaluation in leprosy contacts under fifteen years of endemic area
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Risk Factors

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Sagica T dos P, Silva RP de FP da, Ferreira JVS, Lima JSR, Cunha MHCM da. Dermatoneurological and serological evaluation in leprosy contacts under fifteen years of endemic area. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 20];43:1-12. Available from:


Leprosy is an infectious disease that persists as a public health problem. This study aims to identify clinical, serological manifestations and risk factors for illness in leprosy contacts younger than 15 years old, living in an endemic area. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Dermatoneurological and serological evaluations were carried out in household contacts of leprosy under the age of fifteen. The sociodemographic characteristics of the 15 participants showed that the majority belong to the female sex (66.67%), the predominant age groups were 7 to 9 and 10 to 12 years, both with a percentage of 46.67%. The predominant family income was more than 3 minimum wages (40%). The result of the dermatoneurological examination showed that 13.33% of the contacts had spots suggestive of leprosy and in 6.67% a thickening of the peripheral nerve was identified. In all vaccine situations of the children evaluated, the levels of antiPGL-1 antibodies show an optical density well below the cutoff points 0.2 and 0.13. Dermatoneurological evaluations showed few changes. In this study, no new cases of leprosy were identified, however, its development promoted health education to the entire participating population as a benefit, in addition to adequate referral for immunoprophylaxis. The study emphasizes the relevance and the need to assess leprosy communicants, especially those under the age of fifteen, due to its epidemiological importance and the direct relationship with the control of pathology.
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