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2 Job CK. Pathology of leprosy. In: Hastings RC. editor. Leprosy. 2nd ed. New York:Churchill – Livingstone; 1993. p.193-24.
3 Lucas S. Bacterial diseases. In: Elder D, Elenitsas R, Jaworsky C, Johnson JRB. Lever’s histopathology of the skin. 8nd ed.
Philadelphia:Lippincott Raven; 1997. p.477-88.
4 Ress RJW, Young DB. The microbiology of leprosy. In: Hastings RC. Leprosy. 2nd ed. New York:Churchill Livingstone; 2004. p.49-83.
5 Ridley DS. La biopsia de piel en la lepra. 2 ed. Basilea:CibaGeigy; 1987. p.59-60.
6 Ridley DS, Jopling WH. Classification of leprosy according to immunity: a five-group system. Int J Lep 1966;34:255-73.
7 Ridley DS. Reacciones. In: ___________. La biopsia de piel en la lepra. 2 ed. Basilea:Ciba-Geigy; 1987. p.53-58.
8 Ridley DS, Jopling, WH. A classification of leprosy for research purposes. Lepr Rev 1962;33:119-28.
2 Job CK. Pathology of leprosy. In: Hastings RC. editor. Leprosy. 2nd ed. New York:Churchill – Livingstone; 1993. p.193-24.
3 Lucas S. Bacterial diseases. In: Elder D, Elenitsas R, Jaworsky C, Johnson JRB. Lever’s histopathology of the skin. 8nd ed.
Philadelphia:Lippincott Raven; 1997. p.477-88.
4 Ress RJW, Young DB. The microbiology of leprosy. In: Hastings RC. Leprosy. 2nd ed. New York:Churchill Livingstone; 2004. p.49-83.
5 Ridley DS. La biopsia de piel en la lepra. 2 ed. Basilea:CibaGeigy; 1987. p.59-60.
6 Ridley DS, Jopling WH. Classification of leprosy according to immunity: a five-group system. Int J Lep 1966;34:255-73.
7 Ridley DS. Reacciones. In: ___________. La biopsia de piel en la lepra. 2 ed. Basilea:Ciba-Geigy; 1987. p.53-58.
8 Ridley DS, Jopling, WH. A classification of leprosy for research purposes. Lepr Rev 1962;33:119-28.
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