Search for antibacterial substances in the spinal fluid of patients
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substâncias antibacterianas, pesquisa no líquido cefalorraquidiano
meningite, diagnóstico bacteriológico
líquido cefalorraquidiano, pesquisa de substâncias antibacterianas

How to Cite

Melles CEA, Lee IML, Taunay AE. Search for antibacterial substances in the spinal fluid of patients. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1984 Dec. 28 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];44(2):155-9. Available from:


A sirnple procedure for detection of antibacterial substances in the spinal fluid was devised. The aim was disclosing to which extent an.tíbacterial substances could interfere with the diagnosis of bacterial meningites. MüIler-Hinton aga r plates were inoculated witlr Staphylococcus aureus ATCC-e538 P which is a non-penicillinase-producing strain and is sensitive to many antibacterial substances. A perfora ted metal model receivcd th e spinal fluid, the occu rance or absence of growth being noted. Out of 641 spinal fluid specimens, 38,53% showed presence of antibacterial substances, In 60,53% of th e LCR studied, a bacteria was identified bactertologically and/or immunologicaIly.
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