Comparative study of flocculation, complement-fixation, indirect immunofluorescence and passive microhaemagglutination reactions for syphilis

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syphilis serodiagnosis, methods
Treponema pallidum

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Takeda AK, Barbosa PMC, Barbosa SFC. Comparative study of flocculation, complement-fixation, indirect immunofluorescence and passive microhaemagglutination reactions for syphilis. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2022 Feb. 22 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];39(2):137-44. Available from:


The possibility of using the passivo microhaemagglutinatíon reaction for Treponema pallidum (MHPTP) as a routine diagnostic procedure is examined. MHPTP was compared with flocculation, complement-fixation and indirect immunofluorescence reactions in 344 sera from blood-bank donors and patients suffering from syphilis and some other diseases, ln the blood-bank donor g roup, the MHPTP agreed 100% with indirect immunofluorescence reaction but not with complemen t fixation or flocculation testo In th e group of patients with clinical diagnosis of syphilis, there was total agreement among the four reactions.


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