Hansenologia Internationalis: leprosy and other infectious diseases

Current Issue

Vol. 50 (2025)
Published February 25, 2025

The Hansenologia Internationalis:  leprosy and other infectious diseases is an official vehicle for scientific, multidisciplinary, and open access dissemination of Lauro de Souza Lima Institute, belonging to the Coordination of Health Services of São Paulo State Health Secretary. The purpose of the journal is to disseminate scientific publications in the field of leprosy and other infectious diseases with dermatological manifestations, including epidemiology and control, clinical medicine and therapy, disability prevention and rehabilitation, history, human rights, social sciences and health education, molecular biology and genetics, immunology and microbiology, management, technological innovation in health, dermatopathology and neurodiagnosis of leprosy.

Original articles

Marília Dias Bezerra Santos, Érika Larissa Afonso Carinhanha, Filipe Stenio de Carvalho Pereira da Silva, Giovanna Afonso Carinhanha, Bárbara Lopes Ribeiro, Michelle Queiroz Aguiar Brasil
Clinical-epidemiological profile of leprosy cases in the states of the Northeast region of Brazil in the period 2018-2022
pdf (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47878/hi.2025.v.50.40505
Amanda Fortes Cavalcante de Oliveira, Isabela Nishimura Megiani, Gustavo Henrique Ribeiro, Júlia Scotellaro Guimarães, Guilherme Andrade Ruela
Epidemiological profile of leprosy in the state of Rio Grande do Sul from 2018 to 2022: an ecological study
pdf (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47878/hi.2025.v.50.40661

Case report

Elcie Aparecida Braga Oliveira, Cássia Marques da Rocha Hoelz, Laudiceia Rodrigues Crivelaro, Natanael da Costa, Beatriz da Rocha Neves
The journey of a woman with erythema nodosum leprosum : a case report
pdf (Português (Brasil))
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47878/hi.2025.v.50.40657
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