Hansenologia Internationalis is in accordance with the principles of Open Science, contributing to the construction of scientific knowledge that is participatory, transparent, shared, and more democratically accessible. Its publication policies are based on concepts related to open access, the publication of preprints, and open research data policies.
Open Access
As an open-access journal, all content is available electronically and free of charge, with no cost to the reader or their institution. Readers can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or reference the full text of the articles, or use them for any legal purpose, without prior permission from the editors or authors. As long as they respect the Creative Commons license used, giving authors control over the integrity of their work and the right to be properly acknowledged and cited, as defined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI).
A preprint is a manuscript deposited prior to the peer-reviewed publication process in scientific journals, on preprint servers, aimed at open and immediate evaluation by experts. It is a tool used by researchers as an alternative for rapid diffusion, visibility, and establishment of originality.
HI Journal accepts manuscripts previously available in preprint servers, such as SciELO Preprint. Authors must inform the editors about the virtual location of the preprint (link and DOI) on the title page. These manuscripts will only undergo blind review, considering that reviewers may be aware of the authors' identities. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors must provide the link to the published version in the HI Journal on the repository.
Open Research Data
Hansenologia Internationalis emphasizes the importance of transparency and replicability in scientific research. In this regard, we encourage that the data resulting from research collections, as well as the codes used, be shared and published in a reliable repository, ensuring long-term accessibility and preservation. This practice not only promotes research integrity but also contributes to advancing scientific knowledge by enabling validation and reuse of data by other researchers.
Research Data and Other Materials Availability Statement
For articles resulting from original research, the published article will indicate whether the research data set is available and where to access it. To this end, authors who make their research data available in a data repository must inform the editor by completing the Declaration of Availability of Research Data and Other Materials on the Title Page.
It is also recommended that all data, codes, and materials underlying the article and used in the design and execution of the research be appropriately cited in the text and listed in the references section, preferably with a persistent identifier such as DOI. The order of elements in the reference should be:
Author names. Dataset title. Data repository [dataset]. Version (when available). Year. Persistent identifier.