The prevalence of physical disabilities of leprosy after discharge in municipalities that have reached the elimination goal


  • Carmen Silvia de Campos Almeida Vieira Doutora - Unicamp (Professora Assistente III)
  • Maria Luiza Lobato Mariano Especialização em docência na Saúde - UNITAU
  • Eliete Maria Silva Doutora em Enfermagem pela Universidade de São Paulo (1997) e Livre docência (2008) no Departamento de Enfermagem da Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).



Leprosy, Disabled Person, Epidemiology


Introduction: The World Health Organization recommends the degree of disability as an evaluation tool, to propose actions for prevention, monitoring and treatment of physical harm caused by leprosy. Objective: This study aimed to compare the degree of disability at diagnosis, discharge and post-discharge of individuals who have had leprosy. Methods: ecological, analytical study of 126 individuals diagnosed in the period 2004-2013 using: simplified neurological assessment form and classification of the degree of physical disability and form prepared by researcher. In the data analysis. Results: Mean age 56.02 years, and 73.01% multibacillary, with a predominance of form dimorphic (36.80%). It was, in the diagnosis, high percentage (63.49%) of individuals who have had disability (grade 1 and 2).The comparison between diagnosis and postdischarge showed worsening physical, especially in multibacillary, with percentage (51.59%) of leprosy reactions during treatment. Of the total sample, 61 (48.41%) maintained the same level of disability, 44 (34.92%) got worse and 21 (16.67%) improved. Lower limbs were the most affected (58%). Conclusion: The study shows that, when making the comparison in the diagnosis and post-discharge, worsening of disabilities, especially in multibacillary, and the lower limbs segments that have most significant evolution of the degree of disability.


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How to Cite

Vieira CS de CA, Mariano MLL, Silva EM. The prevalence of physical disabilities of leprosy after discharge in municipalities that have reached the elimination goal . Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2016 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];41(1/2):46-54. Available from:



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