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tibial nerve
tarsal tunnel syndrome
neural conduction

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Robinson GGR, Alexandre PL, Kirchner DR, Garbino JA. NERVE CONDUCTION STUDIES OF TIBIAL NERVE ACROSS THE TARSAL TUNNEL IN LEPROSY PATIENTS. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];40(1):3-8. Available from:


The authors assessed all tibial nerve conduction studies (NCS) ofthe patients under suspicious of acute or subacute leprosy neuropathy, who have been attended the Leprosy Ambulatory Clinic of the ILSL during a period of two years. Seventy-five patients have been included as follows: 52 male and 23 female, between 21 and 73 years old, with the mean age of 44.5 totaling 150 nerves The medialplantar (MP) and lateral plantar ( (LP) branches were studied separately. The most involved was the LP with 57.4%, followed by the MP with 42.6%. The most frequent injury among the abnormal nerves was the axonal lesion with 66%, followed by the myelin lesion with 28.7%. The most frequent and disproportional involvement of the PL branch not only demonstrates the compressive character of the tibial nerve injury in the tarsal tunnel but also indicates a multiple entrapment mononeuropathy in the lower limbs. The high prevalence of the tibial nerve injury was considered a hallmark of the disease, as well as the ulnar neuropathy
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