Clinical and epidemiologycal evaluation of multibacillary patients from a reference center for leprosy in the brazilian amazon


  • Maria Heliana Chaves Monteiro da Cunha Doutoranda do núcleo de medicina tropical–UFPA
  • Geraldo Mariano Moraes de Macedo Graduando de medicina da - UFPA
  • Keila de Nazaré Madureira Batista Mestranda do núcleo de medicina tropical–UFPA
  • Marilia Brasil Xavier Doutora em doenças tropicais - USP-Ribeirão Preto
  • Simone de Sá Neto Graduando de medicina da UFPA
  • Francisca Souza do Nascimento e Nascimento Especialista em doenças tropicais – UFPA



multibacillar leprosy, classic neuritis, affected nerve trunks, inability degree


Mycobacterium leprae (hansen’s baccillus) displays special immunogenic properties responsible by the
high incapacitating power of leprae. The aims of this study were to determine the clinical-epidemic profile
of multibacillar leprosum patients according to madri’s classification, correlate the baciloscopic index with the amount of nerve trunks affected by the classic neuritisprior and post-treatment, and correlate the inability degree of this patient with the clinical form at entrance and outcome. Medical records from 158 selected subjects with multibacilar leprosy from the center of reference in sanitary dermatology dr. Marcelo cândia, in marituba, pará, brazil were accessed to evaluate the baciloscopic and neurological exam. . Fifth two percent of the patients were in the range of 15 to 54 years, 80.4% Were male, 80% reach outcome for cure, and 84% were new cases. The predominant clinical form was dimorfa, comprising 68% of the cases. The virchowian form (mhv) was present in the majority of subjects with degree ii of incapacity, the presence of degree zero of incapacity was statistically significant in the dimorfa form (mhd), whose subjects displayed around 2.69 Fold more chance of evolving with neuritis symptoms than mhv. The most affected peripheric nerves at the moment and during the diagnosis were: tibia posterior, ulnar, fibula, and the to median nerve. In conclusion, mhv is at greater potential to develop degree ii of incapacity, whereas mhd barriers more frequently evolve to neuritis, and there is no difference among the nervous trunks affected in regard to the bacterious index.


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How to Cite

Cunha MHCM da, Macedo GMM de, Batista K de NM, Xavier MB, Neto S de S, Nascimento FS do N e. Clinical and epidemiologycal evaluation of multibacillary patients from a reference center for leprosy in the brazilian amazon. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2008 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];33(2):9-16. Available from:



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