Paucibacilar ou multibacilar? uma contribuição para os serviços de saúde


  • Vera Lucia Gomes de Andrade Instituto Estadual de Dermatologia Sanitária. Rio de Janeiro - Brasil/Bolsista do CNPQ, Brasilia-Brazil.
  • Tadiana Alves Moreira Instituto Estadual de Dermatologia Sanitária. Rio de Janeiro - Brasil/Bolsista do CNPQ, Brasilia-Brazil.
  • João Carlos Regazzi Avelleira Instituto Estadual de Dermatologia Sanitária. Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.
  • Alfredo Boechat Marques Instituto Estadual de Dermatologia Sanitária. Rio de Janeiro - Brasil.
  • Manuel Bayona Departamento de Epidemiologia e Biostattstica, College of Public Health, University of South Florida.



Epidemiology of the Leprosy Operational Classification, Leprosy, Multidrugtherapy- / WHO, Investigation in health services


The main consequence of a incorrect operacional classification refers to MB patients when they are classified as PB. This work aims to study the applicability of the warmings of the National Coordinnation of Sanitary Dermatology of de Ministry of Health (CNDS/MS) in what it is related to proceedings of de operational classification, comparing firstly to proceedings made by the National Institute of Sanitary Dermatology (IEDS) (Reference Center) as it is recommended by CNDS/MS. It follows that the classification which is done by IEDS, know as golden pattern, with two
different health service of the country and at last, it compares the procedings of CNDS/MS whit those ones done by the technicians of health in the State of São Paulo. This last comparison had been done to show the adherence grade of the health services in the State of São Paulo with the
proceedings which are recommended by CNDS/MS. The disagreement between the classification of the IEDS and the recommended one by CNDS/MS is 3,5% related to dimorphos and indeterminate cases. If the result of baciloscopy were the only criterion of allocation, 20% of the MB would be classified and treated as MB. If the Mitsuda test was used as isolated criterion of the 19% MB they would be classified and treated as PB. Among PB, 10% would be treated as MB. The comparison of the classification in the State de São Paulo versus CNDS has demonstrated an accordance of 95%. The results show that the recommendations of CNDS/MS are a classification method to cases that do not need a great variety of goods, ellabo rated technicques which allow to the prossional to decide trusthfullyin patients ar MB and or PB, besides being able to be applicable in a great net of public health services.


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How to Cite

Andrade VLG de, Moreira TA, Avelleira JCR, Marques AB, Bayona M. Paucibacilar ou multibacilar? uma contribuição para os serviços de saúde. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1996 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 4];21(2):6-13. Available from:



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