
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not being evaluated for publication by another journal and will not be, while its publication is being considered by the journal Hansenologia Internationalis. This item does not apply to documents that are deposited in preprint repositories.
  • Authors express their knowledge about the journal's Editorial Policy (see About tab), the Guidelines for authors (see Submissions tab), and the Copyright Statement (see Editorial policy), which will apply in case of publication of the manuscript.
  • As a complementary document, the Cover Page must be filled out in full of information about the manuscript’s authorship and development, saved in PDF, and attached to the manuscript submission process.
  • As a complementary document, the Declaration of Authorship and Responsibility must be completed and signed by all authors, in a single or individual form, saved in PDF, and attached to the manuscript submission process.
  • The manuscript must be in Portuguese, formatted in Microsoft Word 2007 or later, in editable .doc format, and attached to the manuscript submission process.
  • Tables are in the body of the text and not at the end of the text or as annexes, while the figures are in supplementary documentation, in the required format, following the standards, and not in the body of the text.
  • Citations and references follow the instructions and models presented. URLs or DOI must be informed for the references, if this is not possible, make sure the reference is complete.
  • Page setup and text are on A4 paper; upper and right margins 3 cm, lower and left margins 2 cm; 1.5 spacing for text and single spacing for references; justified manuscript text and, for references, left alignment; Verdana font; size 14.

Author Guidelines

These guidelines are intended to guide authors through the process of preparing and submitting their scientific findings to the journal Hansenologia Internationalis: leprosy and other infectious diseases.  

Only manuscripts that are strictly following the instructions specified in the guidelines for authors will be forwarded to the Editorial Board, available on the tab Submission.



 The journal Hansenologia Internationalis accepts works for publication in the following categories:

  1. Editorial; 
  2. Original articles;
  3. Review articles;
  4. Clinical studies;
  5. Case report;
  6. Experience report;
  7. Viewpoints;
  8. Brief communications;
  9. Guides, protocols, guidelines, standards, technical manual, and action and/or intervention proposals;
  10. Interviews;
  11. Letters to the editor;
  12. Obituary

For detailed information about each category, click here!



 Manuscripts must be submitted through the Open Journal Systems (OJS) system. Therefore, the author must access the Register tab on the system and fill out the form to create a login and password or, preferably register via Open Researcher and Contributor (ORCID), clicking on "Create or Associate with your ORCID ID". The ORCID is a globally accepted and recognized unique digital identifier for researchers/academics. Its use associated with the OJS system facilitates the recording of information and makes it possible to automate the updating of the author's scientific production.

Attention: Only one author will submit the manuscript to the journal, however, all authors must register in the OJS system, linking it to ORCID.

When submitting the manuscript to the journal, the authors must examine it carefully, to verify that all the instructions have been complied with. The opinions issued are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Editorial Board.

The author must follow the guidelines for filling out the submission form step by step and then attach the following documents to the process:

Cover Page – Mandatory

Statement of Responsibility signed by all authors – Mandatory

Manuscript with text – Mandatory

Informed Consent Form (ICF) and/or Informed Assent Form (IAF) - if applicable

Approval of the Research Ethics Committee - if applicable



It is recommended that authors use A4 paper for page configuration and text formatting; upper and right margins 3 cm, lower and left margins 2 cm; 1.5 spacing for text and single spacing for references; the text of the manuscript must be justified and, for references, aligned to the left; use Verdana font; size 14.

Manuscript title: Full title in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. It must be concise, clear, and as informative as possible, identifying and individualizing the scientific article. It must not contain abbreviations. 

Abbreviated title: following the same language guidelines as in the item above; should contain the summary of the subject. 

Section of the journal to which the manuscript's content belongs: the author must inform the category of the text to be sent. Ex: original article, review articles, clinical case studies.

Abstract: single-paragraph text in single spacing. It must be informative and not indicative, presenting the objective of the work, methods, results, and conclusion. Do not use abbreviations or bibliographic citations. It must be written in Portuguese, English (Abstract), and Spanish (Resumen).

Keywords: must appear in the Health Sciences Descriptors (DeCS) or Medical Subject Headings (MESH). They must come below the abstract text and have a minimum of three (3) and a maximum of six (6) keywords presented in the upper-low box and separated by a period. Ex: Public health. Leprosy. Health education. Keywords must also be presented in English (Keywords) and Spanish (Palabras clave) after the respective abstracts.

Introduction: clear, objective, containing information that justifies the work, restricting references to what is necessary, ideally from the last five years and pertinent to the field of investigation. 

Materials and Methods: concise description, without omitting the essentials for understanding and reproducing the work. Methods and techniques already established must be referred to by citation whenever applicable, the Ethical Committees that evaluated the process of human studies or the rules followed for the protection and experimental treatments of animals must be indicated. This item should contain, when relevant, the research subject, the study design, specific procedures, data analysis, and ethical aspects.

Results: whenever necessary, the results must be accompanied by tables, figures, or other self-explanatory illustrations that preferably should not be described in text form. Data must be submitted to statistical analysis, whenever applicable. Content should be informative, not interpretive.

Discussion: limit yourself to the results obtained and contain only the necessary references. The content must be interpretive, and the hypotheses and speculations formulated based on the findings. The text must be argumentative where the author validates all conclusions.

Conclusions: present the relevant conclusions, responding essentially to the work’s objective(s). The conclusion must be written in the present tense.

Acknowledgments: acknowledgments must appear at the end of the text and must be made to institutions, including their full name and country.

Funding Source: the author(s) must inform whether the work received funding and indicate the funding agency, protocol number, and year of approval. The same applies to scholarships and the year of approval protocol. 

Attention: manuscripts submitted to double-blind evaluation must not inform data on the authorship of the work. This rule does not apply to manuscripts published in preprint.




Identification of citations in the text and illustrations should be done by superscript Arabic numbers without parentheses, in order of entry in the text, and corresponding to the respective order number in the list of references.

When dealing with sequential citations, separate the numbers by a dash, or in the case of interspersed numbers, use a comma. Example:1-5 or 1,5,7.

For authors named by name in the text, present the first in the upper-lower case, followed by the superscript reference number.


Only quoted references should be listed at the end of the work, in numerical order and aligned to the left, written following the international standards established in the document Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, prepared by ICMJE.

Documents with up to 6 authors are all listed with last name and abbreviated first name. Ex: Silva AD. Documents with more than 6 authors, list the first 6 and the expression “et al.” for the rest. Ex: Silva AD, Fernandes M, Souza P, Vieira AS, Prado J, Pereira M, et al.

Journal titles must be referred to in an abbreviated form, according to the journal's official abbreviation. For national journals, consult the Portal of Scientific Journals in Health Sciences of VHL (BVS) and for international journals, consult the NLM Catalog, running the search by journal name. If the journal does not have an abbreviation, use its full name.  

In all references, whenever possible, the direct access link to the cited document and/or to the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)  must be included. The DOI is the last element presented in the reference. 

References to personal communication and unpublished manuscripts should not appear in the reference list. Citations/references from undergraduate course completion, monographs work, Congresses and, Symposiums works, Workshops, and Meetings, among others from unpublished texts (classes, among others) will not be accepted. It is suggested that the references used in the text are preferably composed of original articles and as current as possible.

See examples of citations and references here!



The number of figures must be limited to what is essential for the presentation of the results, not exceeding a total of 5. Illustrations include tables, charts, graphics, photos, maps, and other graphic resources necessary for understanding the above. All illustration data, including the title, must be in the upper-lower case, except for acronyms. Illustrations already published must mention the source. When the illustration is authored by a third party, the author(s) of the submitted manuscript must attach permission from the original author, regarding the illustration’s reproduction. 

In photographs, when there is a patient image, it must be marked, not allowing the patient’s identification. It is mandatory to include a formal consent document for publication, in this case, the Informed Consent Form (ICF) or, in the case of minors, the Informed Assent Form (IAF).

Figures that represent the same data as the Tables will not be accepted. 

All illustrations must be identified as to type and numbered (Arabic numbers) according to appearance order in the text, with a concise descriptive title.  Figures with their respective titles and captions must be presented as supplementary documents. 

All illustrations must have an explanatory title or caption: the illustration and its caption must be self-sufficient, that is, it must allow understanding of the information being conveyed; be mentioned and discussed in the text, and be editable.

For more informations, click here!

The editors and members of the journal Hansenologia Internationalis: leprosy and other infectious diseases are honored to receive your scientific findings. If you have any questions about the editorial standards or instructions to authors presented here, access the Orientation manual for authors for registration and submission under OJS  or contact us via email at

                                                       (*Updated on 03/02/2023)


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The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties. Hansenologia Internationalis fully complies with the General Data Protection Law (LGPDP) - Law nº 13.709/2018.