The fuchsin salts currently available in Latin American market have shown some instability when in solution, according to the classic Ziehl-Neelsen method, resulting in a total precipitation of the salt. The authors indicate a new technique for the preparation of this solution, in order to minimize the action of interfering factors responsible for the precipitation, obtaining thus a greater solubility of the salt, as well as the solution stability. The method effectiveness is reinforced by the utilization of a smaller amount of the salt and the attainment of a larger storage period for the solution.
1 BRASIL. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria Nacional de Programas Especiais de Saúde. Divisão Nacional de Dermatologia Sanitária. Guta para controle da hanseníase. Brasília, Centro de Documentação do Ministério da Saúde, 1983. 83p.
2 FINEGOLD, S.M.; MARTIN, W.J.; SCOTT, E.G. Staining formulas and procedures. In: — Bailey and Scott's diagnostic microbiology.
5.ed. Saint Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1978. p.472.
3 HARADA, K.; GIDOH, S.; TSTSUMI, S. Staining mycobacteria with carbolfuchsin: properties of solutions prepared with different samples of basic fuchsin. Microscop. Acta, 78:21-27, 1976.
4 KONEMAN, E.W.; ALLEN, SD.; DOWELL JR., V.R.; SOMMERS, H.M. Micobacteria. In: Hansen. Int,12(1):8-11, 1987 —. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott. 1979. Cap. 12, p.353.
5 LENNETTE, EH.; BALOWS, A.; HANSLER JR.; W.; TRUANT, J.P., ed. Reagents, stains and miscellaneous test procedures. In: Manual of clinical microbiology. 3ed. Washington, D.C., American Society for microbiology, 1980. cap. 98, p.1023.
6 LILLIE, R.D. Acid fast stains. In: —. Histopathological technic and practical histochemistry. 3.ed. London. McGraw Hill 1965. p.575-581.
7 ORGANIZAÇÃO PANAMERICANA DE SAO- DE. Manual para o controle da hansentase Washington, D.C. 1983. 96p. (OPS. Publicação científica, n.436).
8 POIRE, A.F. & ARZENO CARRANZA, M. Métodos de coloración del bacilo de Koch. Comparaclón de los métodos de ZiehlNeelsen, Schulte Tigges, Konrich, Lesieur, Khune y uno propuesto por nosotros. Diferenciación del bacilo de Koch de los demás ácidorresistentes. Sem. Med., 22(41): 877-944,1925.
9 SIQUEIRA, L.F.G.; ALMEIDA, R.G.; BELDA, W. Comportamento tintorial do Mycobacterium leprae. Revisão histórica. Rev. Saude Publ., 17(4): 297-315, 1983.
10 SIQUEIRA, L.F.G.; ALMEIDA, R.G.; BELDA, W. Métodos tintoriais utilizados na identificação do Mycobacterium leprae. Revisão histórica. Rev. Saúde Publ., 18(3): 246-58, 1984.
11 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Leprosy: examination for the bacillus in nodules and skin lesions. In: —. Manual of basic
techniques for a health laboratory. part II, cap. 33, p. 259.
2 FINEGOLD, S.M.; MARTIN, W.J.; SCOTT, E.G. Staining formulas and procedures. In: — Bailey and Scott's diagnostic microbiology.
5.ed. Saint Louis, C.V. Mosby, 1978. p.472.
3 HARADA, K.; GIDOH, S.; TSTSUMI, S. Staining mycobacteria with carbolfuchsin: properties of solutions prepared with different samples of basic fuchsin. Microscop. Acta, 78:21-27, 1976.
4 KONEMAN, E.W.; ALLEN, SD.; DOWELL JR., V.R.; SOMMERS, H.M. Micobacteria. In: Hansen. Int,12(1):8-11, 1987 —. Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology. Philadelphia, J.B. Lippincott. 1979. Cap. 12, p.353.
5 LENNETTE, EH.; BALOWS, A.; HANSLER JR.; W.; TRUANT, J.P., ed. Reagents, stains and miscellaneous test procedures. In: Manual of clinical microbiology. 3ed. Washington, D.C., American Society for microbiology, 1980. cap. 98, p.1023.
6 LILLIE, R.D. Acid fast stains. In: —. Histopathological technic and practical histochemistry. 3.ed. London. McGraw Hill 1965. p.575-581.
7 ORGANIZAÇÃO PANAMERICANA DE SAO- DE. Manual para o controle da hansentase Washington, D.C. 1983. 96p. (OPS. Publicação científica, n.436).
8 POIRE, A.F. & ARZENO CARRANZA, M. Métodos de coloración del bacilo de Koch. Comparaclón de los métodos de ZiehlNeelsen, Schulte Tigges, Konrich, Lesieur, Khune y uno propuesto por nosotros. Diferenciación del bacilo de Koch de los demás ácidorresistentes. Sem. Med., 22(41): 877-944,1925.
9 SIQUEIRA, L.F.G.; ALMEIDA, R.G.; BELDA, W. Comportamento tintorial do Mycobacterium leprae. Revisão histórica. Rev. Saude Publ., 17(4): 297-315, 1983.
10 SIQUEIRA, L.F.G.; ALMEIDA, R.G.; BELDA, W. Métodos tintoriais utilizados na identificação do Mycobacterium leprae. Revisão histórica. Rev. Saúde Publ., 18(3): 246-58, 1984.
11 WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Leprosy: examination for the bacillus in nodules and skin lesions. In: —. Manual of basic
techniques for a health laboratory. part II, cap. 33, p. 259.
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