Tuberculoid leprosy in aids patient


  • Régio José Santiago Girão Medico residente do 2º ano do Instituto "Lauro de Souza Lima".
  • Diltor V. A. Opromolla Médico Dermatologista, Hansenologista, Pesquisador Científico VI do Instituto "Lauro de Souza Lima".
  • Cleverson Teixeira Soares Médico Patologista, Doutor em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia, Patologista do Instituto "Lauro de Souza Lima".
  • Marisdalva Viegas Stump Médica Pediatra do Serviço de Assistência Especializada da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Bauru.



leprosy, type 1 reaction, aids, restoring of the immune response


The authors present an 8 year-old child with AIDS, infected by vertical transmission, who developed the first tuberculoid leprosy manifestations prior to the beginning of the anti-retroviral treatment. The initially noticed lesions were ulcers with hard edges which healed and ulcerated consecutively. The CD4+ count was 0,3 cells. This count remained until the first confirmatory leprosy exams were performed. In that occasion, during the anti-retroviral treatment, the CD4+ count was 270. A cutaneous biopsy was taken. When the patient returned for the histopathology result, the ulcers had healed and a sarcoidic aspect of the lesion was noted. The Mitsuda reaction was 8,5 mm, there was hypostesia of the left leg
and the leprosy diagnosis was reached mainly supported by the anti-5100 protein immunohistochemistry staining that showed fragments of nerve branches inside granulomas. The incidence of leprosy has not increased because of AIDS. There haven't been changes in the clinical presentation and in the response to therapy in cases of leprosy associated with AIDS. We haven't also observed development of type 1 reaction in this patient
resulting from restoring of the immune response after the anti-retroviral treatment.


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How to Cite

Girão RJS, Opromolla DVA, Soares CT, Stump MV. Tuberculoid leprosy in aids patient. Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 2004 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];29(2):137-40. Available from:



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