Avaliação baciloscópica na hanseníase virchoviana (estudo de 60 necrópsias)


  • Marlene de Oliveira Trifilio Médica Anátomo - Patologista do Instituto Adolpho Lutz - São Paulo - SP
  • Andrea de Faria Fernandes Belone Pesquisadora Científica da Área de Anatomia Patológica do Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima - Bauru – SP
  • Raul Negrão Fleury Anátomo - Patologista. Diretor da Divisão de Epidemiologia, do Instituto Lauro de Souza Lima - Bauru - SP Institutos da Coordenadoria dos Institutos de Pesquisa da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado de São Paulo




Lepromatous leprosy, baciloscopy, visceral


In the literature there are reports that the proliferation of M. leprae in viscera could occur even in the absence of proliferation at neuro-cutaneous level, and this fact could allow reactivation of leprosy. We analyzed 60 necropsies of lepromatous leprosy patients to compare and contrast from several visceral sites with those from skin and peripheral nerves. The necropsies were divided in groups according to results of the last baciloscopy done while the patients were alive: active lepromatous and in progression — 15 necropsies; active lepromatous and in regression — 17 necropsies; inactive lepromatous — 28 necropsies. In some necropsies, the visceral bacillary index overpassed the same index at neuro-cutaneous level, and in 3 necropsies, typical bacilli were found only in viscera (larynx and testicles). These results couldn't be appraised because technical and legal limitation prevented us from collecting skin and peripheral nerve fragments from various sites. Nevertheless, some reports suggest that the baciloscopy of skin drainage lymphonodes can be an estimate of cutaneous baciloscopy. In some of the visceral necropsies examined the bacillary index surpassed the same index in the axillary lymphonodes. Except for the axillary lymphonodes, the highest visceral bacillary indexes were found in the larynx, testicle and pharynx, with predominance of the first site. This may reinforce the relationship between tissue temperature and bacillary proliferation ability, suggesting that the larynx presents conditions of adaptation and proliferation of M. leprae, similar to the nasal mucous, which is the main via of bacillary shedding.


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How to Cite

Trifilio M de O, Belone A de FF, Fleury RN. Avaliação baciloscópica na hanseníase virchoviana (estudo de 60 necrópsias). Hansen. Int. [Internet]. 1997 Nov. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];22(2):10-9. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/hansenologia/article/view/36451



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