Mercury content of waters from Baixada Santista, São Paulo
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mercury in water, determination
water, mercury pollution

How to Cite

Pregnolatto W, Toledo M de, Santesso N. Mercury content of waters from Baixada Santista, São Paulo. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1979 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 23];39(1):5-15. Available from:


The first evidence of mercury pollutíon in Brazil was obtained in
166 when farmers, specially torna to growers, began to use inercurial pesticides. In 1974, fish samples originating from Rio Grande do Sul were found to contain mercury. A search for mercury in fish samples from São Paulo seashore was unsuccessful at that time. In 11)75, a dangerous levcl of mercury in sea water from Bahia seashore, and Santos seashore , São Paulo, was claimed by periodicals. In the
same year, 40 samples of water from Santos seashore were examined and only 2 showed Ievels of 0.001 and 0.0015 ppm of mercury. The remaining 38 samples showed levels below 0.001 pp.
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