Microbiological and physicochemical evaluation of the pasteurized milk traded in the region of São José do Rio Preto, SP
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pasteurized milk
quality control
Public Health

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Cristina Marques dos Santos C, Tanury Macruz Peresi J, do Rosário Vigeta Lopes M, Isaura de Lima S, Siqueira de Carvalho I, Zenebon O. Microbiological and physicochemical evaluation of the pasteurized milk traded in the region of São José do Rio Preto, SP. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1999 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];58(1):85-9. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36680


With the pourpose to evaluate the quality of the pasteurized milk commercialized in the region of São José do Rio Preto, from May, 1992 to August, 1997, 511 samples of types A, B, C and skimmed milk were analysed concerning the microbiological and physicochemical standards. In the microbiological analysis the MPN of coliform group, MPN of fecal coliforms standard plate count and presence/absence of Salmonella were determined, according to the recommended methodology by APHA and the physicochemical analysis by the official methods requested by the current legislation (Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture and Analytical Norms of IAL). From the analysed samples 232 (45,4%) were not in accordance with the current legal standards, being 131 (25,6%) related to the microbiological analysis and 128 (25,00%) to the physicochemical. The results of the microbiological analysis showed that 94 (18,4%) sampIes of pasteurized milk (mainly C type) were above the accepted Ievel of coliform group. The
fecal coliforms, represented 12,9% ofthe condemnations, with a higher incidence also in the type C milk. In the physicochemical analysis were carried out the determinations of acidity, fat, fatless extract, total dry extract, freezing point, oxidating and preservatives, phosphatase and peroxidase proofs. The physicochemical changes that occured were mainly related to the peroxidase proof, were 55 (10,8%) samples analysed showed indication that the pasteurization was out of the adequate temperature and 148 (29,00%) showed at least one altered physicochemical standard, being the freezing point most frequent, indicating water adition or technological problerns in the pasteurization. Only one sample showed a positive reaction for oxidating substances. From the analysed samples, 232 (45,4%) showed no satisfactory standards of quality and hygiene, indicating the need of permanent quality control of the pasteurized milk.

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