Fluoride in water: Analytical methodology study and levels found in Campinas' region
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waters of public supply
fluoride, valuation of
fluoride contents in waters
selective ion eleetrode method
methods, comparative study

How to Cite

Pereira da Silva Freitas V, Mandel Brígido B, Evangelina Alge M, Leopoldo e Silva C, Zenebon O, Leopoldo Ferreira Antunes J. Fluoride in water: Analytical methodology study and levels found in Campinas’ region. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1996 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];56(2):29-36. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36603


It was compared three analytical methods to mcasure fluoride eoncentrations in waters of public supply: SPADNS, alizarin with eolorimetric eomparing disk and ion selective eletrode, the latter being chosen as the referenee method. The ion selcetive clectrode method was suggested as the most adequate for control offluoride in waters for the net of publie health laboratories, duc to its precision, aecuracy and rapidity. Fluoride
content were measured in 759 samples ofwaters ofpublie supply from the cities in the neighbourhoad of Campinas, SP, fromjanuary to july 1994, by the method of selective ion electrode. lt was observed that, from the 76 cities studied, only 33 (43,4%) proceeded the addition offluoride with regularity; 9 (11,8%) made it in a diseontinuous way and 30 (39,5%) did not proeeeded the addition offluoride. These data show the importance ofsystematie surveys to instruct vigilance action: by comparing these results with a survey performed in 1991, it was verified a meaningful reduction in lhe number of cities that proceeded the addition offluoride in a regular way.

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