Food-borne infection outbreak among the employees of an engineering and construction company in Cubatão, São Paulo/Brazil
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outbreak of food-borne diseases
faecal coliforms
health surveillance
good manufacturing practice

How to Cite

Passos E de C, Almeida CS, Rosa JP, Rozman LM, Mello ARP de, Souza CV de, Paschoal RC, Tavares M. Food-borne infection outbreak among the employees of an engineering and construction company in Cubatão, São Paulo/Brazil. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2008 Aug. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];67(3):237-40. Available from:


In December 2007, an outbreak of food-borne infection was described in 54 employees of an engineering and construction company on duty an oil refinery in Cubatão, SP, Brazil. The main symptoms presented were vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and headache. The municipal health surveillance services collected the food samples served in the day after the outbreak and also the water samples from catering firm and from refinery dining room, and sent them to Instituto Adolfo Lutz in Santos. The samples were analyzed by the conventional methods, following the Compendium APHA (2001) and the Standard Methods (2005) guidelines. The results were analyzed according with Brazilian Ministry of Health legislation ANVISARDC 12/2001 and Decree 518/2004. Coliforms bacteria group were isolated from water samples, and faecal coliforms (N.M.P. 28/g) were isolated from roast meat meal served at the company dining room. Coagulase positive Staphylococcus, Bacillus cereus, Salmonella spp and sulfite reductor Clostridium were not found. In January of 2008, the municipal health surveillance services returned to the establishments involved, and collected the food samples resulted negative for bacteria. A joint-work of municipal health surveillance service and public health laboratory has been relevant to deal with epidemiological and sanitary surveillance matters.
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