Physicochemical and sanitary-hygienic evaluation of fresh bottled and pasteurized orange juices
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Fresh orange juice
fresh pasteurized orange juice
physicochemical characteristics
sanitary-hygienic quality
Brazilian legislation

How to Cite

Iha MH, Fávaro RMD, Okada MM, Prado S de PT, Bergamini AMM, Oliveira MA de, Garrido NS. Physicochemical and sanitary-hygienic evaluation of fresh bottled and pasteurized orange juices. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2000 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];59(1-2):39-44. Available from:


Orange juice is a food rich in nutrients and widely consumed throughout the world. During the last years many fresh bottled and pasteurized orange juice plants have settled in the cities of Ribeirão Preto and Araraquara, located in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physicochemical and hygienic-sanitary quality of the fresh and pasteurized orange juices consumed in these cities. One hundred and thirty fresh and thirty-three pasteurized orange juice samples provided by different plants located in the Araraquara and Ribeirão Preto regions were analyzed. The results showed that for fresh juice 63 (48,5%) samples were in disagreement with physicochemical standards established by the legislation, 8 (6,1%) with relation to microscopic and 65 (50,0%) with relation to microbiological analysis. With regard to the pasteurized juice, 3 (9,1%) and 5 (15,1%) samples did not agree with the legislation according to physicochemical analysis and microscopic examination, respectively. No pasteurized juice sample was in disagreement with the  icrobiologic
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