Search for frauds in commercial natural oils by gas-liquid chromatography
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oils, natural, determination of vitamins A and E in
oils, natural, determination of fatty acids
oils, natural, frauds
gas-liquid chromatography

How to Cite

Badolato ESG, Maio FD de, Lamardo LCA, Zenebon O. Search for frauds in commercial natural oils by gas-liquid chromatography. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1987 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];47(1-2):87-95. Available from:


The possible existence of frauds in natural oils retailed in Metropolitan São Paulo was investigated through deterrnination of fatty acids. Gas-liquid chromatography was employed in aI! samples while spectrophotometry was employed for determination of vitamins A and E in cod liver oils and wheat germ oil. The total of 147 samples included 60 samples of almond oil, 33 of wheat gerrn, 16 of sesame oil, 16 of garlick oil, 14 of cod liver oil and 8 samples of grape seed oil. Frauds were detected in 26 (79%) samples of wheat germ oil, 46 (770/0) of almond oil, 6 (38%) of sesame oil, and 2 (14%) samples of cod liver oil. Ali samples of grape seed oil were pure. It is inferred that gas-liquid chromatography is adequate for testing the occurrence of frauds in commercial natural oils.
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