Detection of anorexigen and benzodiazepinic drugs in weigth reducers compounded formulations and analysis on label contents adequacy by Pharmacognosy Laboratory - Instituto Adolfo Lutz, from June 2004 to March 2007
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weight reducer product
detection limit
comparative thin layer chromatography

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Yano HM, Santos AP, Bugno A, Auricchio MT. Detection of anorexigen and benzodiazepinic drugs in weigth reducers compounded formulations and analysis on label contents adequacy by Pharmacognosy Laboratory - Instituto Adolfo Lutz, from June 2004 to March 2007. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 2008 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];67(1):78-82. Available from:


Obesity has turned to be an important public health issue in Brazil. Nowadays, there are many products so called “weight reducer compounded pharmaceuticals” claiming effectiveness as weight reducers. From June 2004 to March 2007, the Pharmacognosy Laboratory of Instituto Adolfo Lutz analyzed 22 samples of compounded pharmaceuticals formulations in order to identify anorexigenic drugs (diethylpropione, fenproporex, mazindol and benzodiazepinic) drugs: (chlordiazepoxide, clonazepam, diazepam, bromazepam and lorazepam). The analysis was carried out using comparative thin layer chromatography technique. The label contents were also evaluated in accordance with Brazilian legislation. Detection limit was established to each analyzed compound in accordance with the respective reference standards. Although compound combination of anorexigen, benzodiazepinic and laxative agents are forbidden by Brazilian laws, three out 22 samples were positive for diethylpropione or diazepam with fenproporex. In addition, these substances were not mentioned in the label content. Sixteen samples were in disagreement regarding to the labeling requirements for omitting essential information. These findings showed that much concerns have to be taken by the rule authorities on these compounded pharmaceuticals in order to avoid harmful misuse.
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