Cholesterol: modifications in official methodology in the Adolfo Lutz Institute and its quantification in the food paste
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Cholesterol determination
Food paste

How to Cite

Marsiglia DAP, Garbelotti M, Flora C de, Zenebon O, Leonardo MV. Cholesterol: modifications in official methodology in the Adolfo Lutz Institute and its quantification in the food paste. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1994 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];54(1):51-4. Available from:


The actual legislation use the cholesterol concentration as the control parameter in the number of eggs for food paste fabrication. The proposed modification in the analytical procedure utilized in the Adolfo Lutz Institute, presented advantages such as better reproduction and more accuracy. These modifications are, the cholesterol extration, as well as the color complex formation measured in the spectrophotometer. The proposed methodology was applied in samples of "in natura" eggs, dehydrated yolk and food paste with eggs. This fact permited verify that 44,44% of the paste analysed present cholesterol concentration down of the limit required by the legislation.
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