Liquid smoke of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): effects of processing and storage on the physical, chemical and sensorial properties
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Rainbow trout
iquid smoke
chemical and sensorial changes

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Morais C, Mourão Machado T, Tavares M, Takemoto E, Yuco Yabiku H, Satou Martins M. Liquid smoke of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): effects of processing and storage on the physical, chemical and sensorial properties. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1996 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 3];56(2):43.48. Available from:


In order to evaluate the effects of processing and storage on the quality of srnoke product, rainbow trout were liquid smoked under experimental conditions using two procedures (with and without partial cooking ofthe fish). Both procedures were compared during a frozen storage period of 150 days. Natural liquid smoke was added directlyto the trout fillets while brining the fish.After this, one lot was imrnediatly frozen in a tunnel freezer at _30'C and the other lot subsequentlycooked, dried and frozen at _300C. Both Iots were
wrapped individually in plastic bags soon after frozen operation and were assessed by physical, chemical and sensorial analyses after zero, 60, 90 and 150 days of storage. The analysed parameters were: moisture, ash, chloride, total volatile basis (TVB), Kreis's reaction (rancidity), Eber's reaction for sulphidric gas, pH and 3,4 benzopyren. The moisture content was below 65% for all cooked samples, that is recommended for such type ofproduct. Withh respect to the pH values, no product was more acid than the other. Sodium chloride content in the waterphase ofthe uncooked samples, between 3,68% and 4,72%, was preferred by panelists besides its soft texture. Kreis's and Eber's reactions were negatives in all samples analysed. Thus, all procedures result in products having good stability during storage period. However, a considerable increase in the percenlage of TVB was observed in all samples analysed during frozen storage. On the other hand, it was shown that lhe search for 3,4 benzopyren has been negative. The results obtained suggest that the beneficial effect ofthe naturalliquid smoke aroma isn't only on toxicological aspect bnt in the sensorial quality ofthe product also.
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