Evaluation of physicochemical characteristics of coconut milk commercialized at retail in relation to Brazilian current legislation
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coconut milk
physicochemical analysis

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Tavares M, Regina P. do Amaral Mello M, Sorrentino Minazzi-Rodrigues R, Duarte M, Camilo Campos N. Evaluation of physicochemical characteristics of coconut milk commercialized at retail in relation to Brazilian current legislation. Rev Inst Adolfo Lutz [Internet]. 1996 Dec. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 22];56(2):25-8. Available from: https://periodicos.saude.sp.gov.br/RIAL/article/view/36602


Sixty samples ofcoconut milk were analysed for their acidity, fat and sucrose contents and rancidity reaction, in order to verify ifthey were in accordance with Brazilian legislation and classification that they were commercialized. The samples were acquires in the market ofSão Paulo, Santos, São Vicente and Recife cities, Brazil, and were taken out frorn 15 different brands, ali with different date offabrication and/or lots. Results showed that 39% ofthe samples were in disagrcement with thc declared fat eontent or that corrcspondent to the classification. With respect to the acidity, ali ofthe samples were in accordance with the legislation and also presented ncgative reaction for raneidity . The suerosc values found can contribute to the revision ofthe Brazilian legal standards of coconut milk. Conceming to the denomination of the produets on the label, it was observed the use offive diffcrent classifications, ofwhich oniy the classification "natural"is reported in the legislation. The results indicate the necessity ofa more intense fiscalization on this kind ofproduct, mainly in relation to the denomination declared on the label, as well as a revision ofBrazilian legal parametcrs, partieularly with respect to the coeonut milk classification.

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